I've been tagged by Should a been a belle to to list 7 Random Things About Me (those of you who used to read The Feathered Nest probably already know all these things about me so feel free to skip down to today's post. But I thought that since I have quite a few new readers that they might like to get to know me a bit better.
- I hate to drive! Consequently I try to drive as little as possible (which most of the time works out anyway). I don't drive on the highway and I don't like left turns. I started driving pretty late in life since I went to boarding school for high school and didn't need a car and then moved to NYC where I also didn't need a car.
- I used to be a ballet dancer (the living in NYC part). Now I hardly even go to the ballet! Just shows you how your interests can change as you get older.
- I'm an only child, my husband is an only child and we only have one child (well Maxie our Golden thinks he's human and a little baby - but that's another story)!
- I'm a.....crier! Yes, I cry at practically everything - which can be very exhausting! I cry even at the happy parts of movies cause I'm so happy! I cry at commercials, I cry of course at sad things even if they don't remotely have anything to do with me. I can't see certain parts of movies I've seen a hundred times because I cry - Like in "Little Women" I always have to fast forward the part when you know who you know what!
- I could live on sweets if I only had the choice! I'd much rather have desert than a main course. All that meat and veggies just gets in the way of the good stuff! A balanced diet is overrated in my opinion!
- I drink quite a bit of coffee throughout the day (although I switched to half reg half decaff quite a while ago).
- I feel I'm a very, very, very energetic person (perhaps do to copious amounts of coffee?).
Now you know 7 very random things about me! Also, I was very fortunate to receive two awards this past week. Isn't this a pretty one!

I'd like to thank Lady Katherine, Lady Katherine Tea Parlor for that wonderful award. I'd also like to thank Betty, Country Charm for this special award below. Thank you both so much, it's so sweet that you thought of me!

It was really great to get outside and work in yard yesterday! I spent a few hours sucking up all the leaves with the mulching mower and then spreading them on some of my flower beds. I thought I'd snap a few pictures of my blooms before the frosts start to kill everything. So since this post has been so long, I'll just post the pictures with no text.

Hi Manuela -
You and I have so much in common. Not the ballet or the high energy part! I'm an only, too. Thanks for sharing about yourself and sharing the pictures of your home and garden. Wish I could see it in person!
Thanks for sharing your list. I'm a crier too. The funeral scene in Steel Magnolia's gets me every time.
OMG your ferns are gorgeous!!! And I'm an only child too:)
It is so good to know I am not the only one who started driving late in life and doesn't like driving all that much. I do not do freeways or drive very far. Sure saves on the money as I am not out and about to spend either!! ;-) Since I love being home and puttering around in it I don't even miss going out oftener. I also wanted to say I have loved visiting your blog.
I was also wondering what the white flower in the second from the bottom picture was. I forgot to ask when I just wrote...Jody
Hi Jody, That's a Climbing Iceberg - it has 3 blossoms on it right now. Actually all the roses are doing really well - I guess they're enjoying the break from the humidity of the summer just as I am!
Thanks Manuela...I loved learning things about people I visit in blogland. I feel more personal this way when I know them. Thanks for all the info...I used to take ballet when I was young also...
Love your pics...nature pics really are so pretty to look at!
Thanks for sharing about yourself! It is always interesting to learn about others out in blogland.
Your garden pictures are great and I am jealous you still have plants and flowers.
How fortunate you are to still have things blooming - it is all dead and brown here. Now we need snow to cover up the dirt. Thanks for sharing the tag - I enjoyed learning more about you. Sally
Happy to learn I'm not the only one who cries for "dear sweet Beth". I watch Little Women every Christmas with my two girls. One cries with me, the other thinks we're nuts!
Well I never knew any of those very interesting things about you.
Beautiful photographs...I love your front door.
Lovely, Lovely!
Your garden still looks so pretty, everything is really dead here. I think we are getting snow later in the week:>(
Dear Manuela,
I enjoyed reading random things about you. I too, do not drive, my sweet hubby takes me where I need to go! I also cry, that part in Little Women gets me every time! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of your home and garden!
I cry too Manuela. Sad movies, sad memories, you name it ....I cry.
I'm not a cry baby or anything...I'm starting to cry. :) Just keeeeeding. I like your home and all the beautiful plants. Thanks for sharing about yourself. Take care.
Hi Manuela,
I enjoyed reading your list of random things about you, it's nice to get to know you better. I love coffee too, and I'm also a crier!
You have a lovely home and garden, thanks for sharing the pictures.
Congrats on your awards!
How lovely to learn about who you are, Now Where IS A PICTURE OF YOU! lol Love your flowers,garden, house is lovely, Ballet, wow, I would have never guessed! I have orderd toile black boots, check them out at Miss Janet's blog. I thought of you. And school in New York! How cool! I went to other rug store, bought runner and small rugs. I saw on the web for $300.00 and paid $20.00. I still have the black one!
Congratulations on your awards. Your home looks beautiful and huge! Your flowers still look gorgeous!
Manuela...I'm behind on your blog by three days!! How did I let that happen?? You always inspire me so much. Also, before I forget, I have to confess that I'm a crier too (although I'm pretty good at hiding it behind a sniffle or two...due to being teased mercilessly by three older brothers when growing up ;-).
As well...coffee is my bff...I am not at half-caff yet, but I've been thinking about weaning myself off of it. I've heard it's bad for you!! ;-) That being said, I doubt that the weaning will occur as, again, like you, I am also addicted to sweets, but for me they are very bad and wreak havoc on my blood sugar levels (i.e.,create grumpy, grumpy moods). I've always been sensitive to it...in fact, when my children were little I'd hear them warn each other "...watch out...Mom's been eating sugar..." Not kidding. Soo...for the sake of Home Peace...and the love of my children...I gave up my sugar and bread addiction.
I suppose I view coffee as my only treat, thus the reluctance to part with it! Okay, I've been much too wordy today, but really needed to catch up and tell you how much I enjoy your blog. As always, thank you so much for sharing your life with us! It's so much fun to see all your adventures in home making. Best thoughts to you!
P.S. Love your house and garden...the soup and bread look amazing...you always choose such interesting things to focus on! P.P.S. I am an admirer of your photography ;D
I love all ogfthe flowers! I have an award for you over at my blog.
Thank you so, so , so much!
I also sip on coffee all day :) Ballet! That is interesting. Shoot I forgot what else I was going to tell you. But your plants are all so pretty!
A dancer well.... now I am impressed...... I love the ballet..... only went once and it bought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful...... lucky you to have flowers .... I have .... nothing blooming ....all is gone... oh I do have some pansies...
I am so jealous that you still have flowers! we are brown here! I drink lot of coffee too! ;)
I never knew you were a ballet dancer! That is so cool. I cry at commercials too...
Your flowers are looking good. We have nothing left here but the pansies..
Hi Manuela, the front of your house looks absolutely LOVELY. I love the pillars!
Those coffe comercials at Christmas get me everytime...glad to know I'm not alone...your home is as lovely on the outside as in...just like you!
wow i have alot in common with you. But instead of coffee i drink Dr. Pepper. i am married to a only child and i am one too. I cry , i laugh , I cry. It is getting to the point if i know it is going to be a sad movie, i make someone who has seen it already to prepare me.lol. I have alot of energy too. It happens at night. I come alive. . Oh and back off on the candlesticks from Jen. They r mine. lol. just kidding. I never really find great stuff like that at thrift stores. hmm. mishelle
Hi Manuela :)
I don't think I ever read your meme, so it was wonderful to learn more about you. I cry at everything too. Remember those Kleenex commercials... lord have mercy! LOL
Your yard still looks beautiful. We've had two frosts, but we still have roses. It's very strange, but I'm enjoying it :)
Thank you for the birthday wishes and the incredibly sweet complement (blushing)
That was fun Manuela! I love getting to know people with those lists.
There is just something about a front porch with columns... Gorgeous!
My husband won't let me have caffeine if he can help it, because I am high energy as it is. Drinking a coke is like pumping jet fuel into my veins and hitting the go button! And every since I became a mom, I can't watch any horror/thriller where something happens to a child. Period. Or my husband has to bring me the tissues and hold me to get me to sleep!
We have a lot in common Manuela!!
Love the photos and your interesting list.
I always love seeing the front of your home...you decorate it so well, and its beautiful!
Loved reading your list too....I'm off to grab another cup of coffee!
Hi Manuela! Thanks for playing the Random game with me! I get more and more addicted to your blog everyday!
Don't know how I found you but love your site! I'm NOT an only, neither is hubby, but we've made a deliberate decision to have an only (between us that is, he has my stepdaughter as well). I LOVE IT!!
Hi Manuela:
I can't tell you what a treat it was to find your new blog. Your older blog, the feathered nest, was always one of my favorites. I have really missed you. It was like a Thanksgiving blessing to find your new blog earlier this week. Since I had 26 people for dinner at my house on Thursday I haven't had a minute to write until now. Best of luck on the new blog and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I will be checking regularly. All the best, Kathy
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