Hi everyone! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed Lyn's post yesterday! She's working on some more, so look for them in the next month or so.
We spent a glorious day outside Saturday! The weather couldn't have been any better! I had to pull out my zinnias, they were pretty done anyway and had some powdery mildew. But I snipped the last few blossoms and some wildflowers that I still have blooming and put them in this white pitcher to keep me company while I weeded the vegetable garden.
He was also keeping me company. Do you see how he made himself a nest in the pine straw under some blueberry bushes LOL!
When I got tired of weeding I took my camera and walked around and snapped a few pictures!
Some other pretty plants in the garden
These will stay out in the veggie garden for as long as they last. I'm not done weeding and I need to plant some fall veggies.

I spent Sat morning weeding in
my garden too. I planted 65 daffodil bulbs, now I look forward
to spring or really late winter
around here.
I love how natural your garden feels, its very lovely. Gardening is so calming and peaceful. I dd not like it at first, but if I get time to go out and garden I'm in heaven.
Just LOVE your garden. Our yard is small so I can't do a lot but I try.
Linking a post back to you on Tuesday.
Have a great day.
Your garden is absolutely WONDERFUL!! I LOVE seeing the gorgeous pictures. Oh, and your little helpers nest is just too CUTE!!!!
Thanks for the tour of your wonderful garden Manuela. I love your stuff, everything is always so much fun. Thanks. Have a great Sunday.
A great thing to be doing this time of the year! I love your golden in his nest...have you seen mine? I love the golden retreivers, best dogs ever! Come say hi :D
Your dog is too cute ~ all comfy cozy there! I have a few roses that have got their last blooms at this point, my Obediant Plant looks lovely and I cut some hydrangeas to bring in the house before they totally dried up. They are a lovely faded purpley and green color. Love your bouquet.
I still need to do a final weeding for the season and cut down our ornamental grasses. I usually put that off, but it is much easier now before they dry.
How I giggled when I saw your "supervisor!" We had a number yesterday when we were working in the yard! I think they all believe we work for them! LOL Lovely garden! I didn't know you could grow blueberries that far south. What great looking bushes!
Have a great week!
Hi Manuela. Love your puppy sleeping in the pine needles. Dogs always love being near their people, don't they... Very sweet!
Found your blog over at Rue's PB&J Cottage.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Oh, what a wonderful day you must have had, Manuela! I've loved looking at your veggies. Those hydrangeas are so pretty. I love those.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Manuela, it looks like you did so much gardening this year. Did you do anything different from last year - and what was successful/not successful for you? We had a whole month of rain in June, so gardens up here did not do so well.
Your dog is just so sweet, what a cutie!
Heehee I love the way your doggy has made himself a cozy place to nap. You still have quit a bit of a garden there. It looks good. Hugs
I just came in from putting my summer garden to rest and adding some compost before planting a few fall crops. So, it was very timely to read your post. The bouquet you picked to keep you company while you worked is very pretty. Also I adore that picture of your canine helper in his nest. So cute!!
You have been busy! I did some clean up in my courtyard a couple of days ago, but it needs it again as I get so many leaves, hickory nuts, etc. falling out the trees - it is a constant battle. Look at that sweet dog. He is probably thinking - if I am out here protecting her, I might as well be comfortable. :-)
Have a great week.
What a delightful post and blog. Enjoyed my stop here.
Hope things get better for your husbands job. We took a big drop in income this year too so I understand where you are coming from.
I enjoyed strolling through your fall garden! I can't believe you still have tomatoes! My tomatoes did not do well this year. Maybe next year in my new home the tomatoes will be happier! I have alot more sunny space there.
Your garden looks beautiful Manuela! The weather looks like it was beautiful! It snowed here last week and I had brought in a huge bag of tomatoes before they were ruined.
Hope you had a great weekend!
gosh I'm so jealous, but YOU deserve to have a beautiful harvest. I had better put some effort in, if I want that too.
The pic with your dog, had me looking again and again....I could've sworn it was my sister's dog, and garden!(hers is a ridgeback tho)
Don't you have wildlife that steals your crop? We have 'wild' vervet monkeys that even open the breadbin if they get in through a window.
Our garden is pretty much finished. We got a frost last week and even though we covered most everything we still couldn't save some of the plants. Time to put everything to bed:>(
your dog is precious!
It's been so chilly here that I doubt anyone with a garden has anything still surviving, but I could be wrong.
I love the season change and I'm looking forward to autumn and all it's glory.
What beautiful pictures! I had a few beans that looked like that as well! Your dog looks very comfortable! Enjoy your day!
I just love that big Golden Boy taking a nap in the pine straw! My sweet Gertie loves to be outside with me too:-)
My tomato bush is heavy with green tomatoes, but I am thinking that the cold weather is not going to allow them to ripen :(
I am crossing my fingers though!
You really make me wish I had a garden! :) I've been wanting for for several years now but I really need to just do it. By the way, you dog looks soooo adorable curled up there!
Your garden is beautiful! I enjoy gardening, too. It just relaxes me and it is so nice to spend time outside. Your blog is so pretty!
How beautiful Manuela! We have rose hips now with one or two little buds :) the garden has been put to sleep already. i managed to pick 30 pounds of green tomatoes to preserve before the frost hit. Snow in the forecast for Thursday
I LOVE the Oak Leaf Hydrangea, just beautiful! thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!
It must be that time of year! Our veggie garden is almost spent and we went weedin' and pulling out debris from the yard all weekend too.
Also planted 30 something daffs for spring!
Looks as if you are enjoying some nice weather!
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