Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The December Giveaway

****** The Giveaway is now closed***** Thank you to all who entered. I will post the winner tomorrow morning. Hi everyone! I thought I'd do something extra special this month. Instead of giving away a book that I chose, this month I'm giving away a $25 Gift Certificate to Amazon - that way you can choose any book that you have on your wish list.

I want to thank you all for being so supportive of my efforts with your kind and encouraging comments. I may not be able to visit each person that leaves a comment everytime,  but I do appreciate and read every comment that I receive!

Also, a huge thank you to all who find this blog worth subscribing to. Whether as a Follower or through subscription services such as Bloglines etc. It keeps me motivated to know that there are some people that look forward to my posts~smile!

How to enter. Very easy. Just leave a comment. There are so many of you that read this blog that I've never met. This would be a good opportunity to introduce yourself and say hello. I will close entries sometime on Thursday night (I'll come back and edit this post to say it's closed) and I'll announce the winner sometime on Friday.

You don't need a blog to enter. I do need an email addy as the Amazon GC will be emailed to you. Anyone can enter!

Be sure to check back on Friday not only for the Amazon GC winner but also for the Cloche Party. It should be lots of fun!


1 – 200 of 233   Newer›   Newest»
Audrey said...

What a great idea for a giveaway! This way the winner can pick their very own Christmas gift from you! Your blog is a great inspiration to me. I don't often comment on blogs but thank you for the opportunity to tell you how much I love yours!

Mary Ann said...

You're so generous! I'd love to win; it would help me with my Christmas shopping!

maryannshouse at gmail dot com

Richella Parham said...

What a nice giveaway! A lovely thing for you to do at this time of year. Of course, just getting to see all your wonderful ideas is prize enough. I really appreciate the inspiration you provide.

myflsun said...

I do look forward to your posts. I enjoy seeing your finds and ideas. Thanks so much for sharing and what a great, sweet giveaway!


John said...

Hi Manuela, what a sweet thing to do! I love your blog and check in every day. Seeing all your projects makes me happy. Have a great first week of December!

B'ham Nancy said...

Hi, I've been readying your blog
for sometime now and really enjoy
it. You're so sweet to give such
a great giveaway.

Lisa said...

After reading your posts and seeing pics of your lovely home, I'm always inspired to get creative in my own home and garden. Thank you for your wonderful blog and the generous give-away!

Mrs. J said...

Hi Manuela. My name is Jacki. Ive been lurking your blog. I would love to win the giveaway. thank you

Amy said...

i really enjoy your blog. thanks for sharing all your beautiful decorating ideas!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect giveaway for this time of year! I love your blog and appreciate your dedication to giving readers so many great ideas!


Julie said...

This is the best giveaway that I've seen! You know I love your blog and I made it to Kmart the day after Thanksgiving but the lines where so long that I couldn't look.

Merry Christmas!

Stacey said...

What a very nice giveaway, Manuela!! I know I say it all the time but THANK YOU for all your inspiration. You have helped me decorate so many things in my home. I always think about you when I see the little vignettes you inspired me to create. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I have lots of books on my kids list that this would help with.

Suburban prep said...

The gift of reading is a special gift. Thank you.
What a wonderful giveaway.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

philben5 said...

Love your new blog header! I always enjoy when I show that there is an update over @ the Pleasures of Homemaking but you're right! I don't comment enough. Have a merry Christmas!

Kelly B said...

What a wonderful idea for a giveaway. There are many books I would like to read, but anytime I get extra money... it always goes to the kids. A book for my very own would be so nice!! I love what you have been doing to your house. As always it is such an inspiration!! ;0)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks. There are always a lot of books on my wish list.

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

I love Amazon. I’ll keep my fingers cross and thank you for another wonderful giveaway.

Ginny said...

Hi, I have been reading your blog for some time now. I would love to win the Amazon gift card. Please enter me. Thanks so much!

Rhonda said...

of course I want to enter :)

and your bookcase shelf looks so pretty with your mercury glass collection - and thanks to you that I now know what mercury glass is.

southerninspiration said...

You "giveaway" so many inspirational ideas that this is just icing on the cake!! Thanks!


julie - eab designs said...

Thank you for such an inspiring blog! It's always such a pleasure to visit. Looking forward to the cloche party - one of my favorite things!

trish said...

Good Morning.
What a nice idea.
:o) Love, Trish
Ps. I am finishing up my rosette ball today! Will post and link back to you! Thanks again for the fun tutorial.

Stacey said...

One faithful reader here! You are very inspiring. :)

Barb said...

Hi Manuela, this is so generous of you. Your blog is delightful!

Please enter me........♥


Darlene said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter me. Hope you have a great day.♥

Lisa said...

Hi Manuela,
I blog over at http://simplyliving4him.blogspot.com/ when I get a chance. I love to read blogs though and yours is one of my favorites. What a generous giveaway you have.

Anonymous said...

Hey Manuela! I'm Kelly over at http://chickncharge.blogspot.com/
and I just wanted to say Happy Holidays and I just LOVE your blog!Here's my e-mail just in case I get lucky, lol... khoward001@bellsouth.net! I hope you can drop by my blog sometime just to say hi!

pammiejo said...

You're always on my "check-list" for blog updates. I really enjoy your blog! I just sent in an order to Amazon this morning - so, I could use that certificate! Thanks for the give-a-way!! PAM

Southerner said...

It's funny to feel like you are friends with someone that doesn't. know. you. exist. I exist! I love to see all the ways you make your home homey.

Rainy Day Farm said...

What a wonderful giveaway idea. I have never met anyone that does not love Amazon.
I love your sweet blog and most deffinitely count me in.
Merry Christmas from Rainy Day Farm


Karen said...

What a nice giveaway!

I'm one of your lurkers. I found you via my sil's blog (Kathy's Cottage). I subscribe to your blog in my google reader but don't remember if I've ever left a comment before or not. (I'm not so good about that.)

I really enjoy your posts. You do so many beautiful things and I appreciate all you share.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas season.

Leslie said...

Throw my name into the running for the gift cert.! Thx!

Christina said...

What a generous giveaway! Please count me in. Thanks so much!

Mary Ellen said...

How awesome! I'm a new reader to your blog. I found you when I was searching for ideas for black and white craft pumpkins. Thanks for stopping by my Working Home Keeper blog!


Lorinda said...

What a nice giveaway! I enjoy your blog and check in every day. A gift certificate from Amazon would be very much appreciated.......not to mention helpful at this time of year!!


Sarah said...

Hi! I'm Sarah. I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and it's always such a fun and inspiring read!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Manuela. Just stopped by to say hi and see how you are doing. I also was going to track back on some of your b/w themes to get ideas on my teensie bathroom. Okay you can enter me if you wish, but really I came to steal some of your decorating ideas. hehehehe. Have a great week. Take care.

Charity Grace said...

I love Amazon! Please do enter me. I subscribe to your blog on my reader, and right now I've been visiting daily to check out your inspiring blog roll. :)

simplecraft at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Manuela, I have your post on how to Organize Magazine clippings posted on my blog in my To Do section, just so I don't forget what a great idea you had! I have gone through my first batch of magazines and cut out lots of articles and put them in plain file folders...can't wait to have the time to dress them up like you!

you are so blessed to be so creative! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with the blog world!

Your blog is one I treasure!

J. Paige said...

Oh, I drool over the books at Amazon... so, many wonderful choices. Thanks for a delightful blog!

Julian said...

so sweet! Please add my name. I am a mom of 6 kids. I love to read, and live in Texas!
Christina Gomez

Gabrielle said...

Hi Manuela. I have been lurker for several months now, breaking my silence to win a giveaway. You have some very creative ideas I have loved recreating in my home!
gekokanos at gmail dot com

Sammy Girl said...

Oh, Manuela!
Such a sweet thing to do!
Just the happy beginning to what looks to be a very long day ....
Betty :)

Marle Pierce said...

I'm really starting to look forward to this every month. I love your blog and ideas. You have such a great eye for beauty. You left a comment on my blog once and that really made my day to know that someone took the time to notice. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Alberta said...

What a wonderful giveaway Manuela!

I'm fairly new to your blog but wouldn't miss a post now! You have such creative ideas and a gentle spirit! Have a wonderful time meeting your dedicated followers!

Megan Bennett said...

Amazon is the only place to shop for books. With that amount you can get like three books.

Pick me, pick me! Crossing fingers for my name to be drawn!


Tammy said...

A great idea for a give way!

Sue said...

Manuela, You've got to be one of the most generous gals out here in bloggy land- what a wonderful give-away!! I love all that you do to inspire us- you implement such great ideas. Looking forward to all your lovely Christmas decor to come.
hugs, Sue

"Blossom" said...

What a great gift for those of us who love to read. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Salmagundi said...

Wow! What a generous gift! I love books, plus I have a granddaughter that loves to read; and I'm sure she would enjoy sharing the gift certificate with me. Sally

Candi said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway :) I love to read your blog daily and the things that I LOVE about it is that you decorate beautifully on a budget and share practical advice, you give me inspiration that I can do it too :)
~ Candi

Heather said...

oooh how exciting! i'm on amazon all the time putting things in my shopping cart for when i can buy them at a later date. so many books, so little money, LOL.
please enter me!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Love your holiday blog banner, Manuela. Lovely idea to offer a gift certificate. I think there are a few books I'd consider getting!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Of course, I'd like to enter! Thanks for the giveaway & thanks for being a friend!

Karen Hargett said...

What a nice thing to do. I really enjoy your blog, decorating and all the rest.

Jennifer said...

Manuela, It is so generous of you to host such a great giveaway. Of course you know I love to visit with you and see your latest creations. You have inspired so much creativity in me. =) And for that, you are much appreciated.

Have a great week,

Love the Decor! said...

Amazon is one of my favorite places and it would be a great help with the holiday budget for sure!!
Thank you for a chance to win.

horse loving lineman's wife said...

I luv your blog. Hope you are having an Awesome day!!

Tammy G said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your blog a month ago and it has been so inspiring, you really have a way of making things beautiful on a dime--thank you. My husband was asking me last night what I wanted for Christmas and I said a gift card, among other things,so thanks for this chance to win.

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway opportunity...nothing like a little shopping to get the blood pumping!

Judy G said...

I love your blog. I am always excited when I see a new post on my google reader page. Your home is lovely and I so appreciate your thrifty ways to beautify your home. You are an inspiration to me and many more. Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas!

Simple Home said...

This is a very generous giveaway Manuela. We get a bit of a gift every time we visit your blog though, because you share so much with us!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Wow it always amazes me how many people come out from lurking when a blogger does a giveaway!

Your sweet to give such a great gift Manuela!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

This is my first visit and I love what I see...so...I will follow along! Hope you have a wonderful week!


Kim said...

What a wonderful gift! I'm so glad that I have re-discovered you!

Nancy H. said...

I love your blog and I have copied many of your ideas!
I would love to win an Amazon gift certificate!

Rochelle said...

I love your blog and your ideas....and those red trees you just "dolled" up are cute! I just finished bleaching some myself to do!

Sharri said...

What a lovely giveaway, please enter me!
I blog over at http://sharrissnapzshotz.blogspot.com/

Thank you!

Unknown said...

I keep seeing commercials for the Kindle, but I don't think I'll ever switch over. There's just something about turning the pages of a well loved book. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas

Carolyne said...

Hi Manuela~ Your cheery posts are *always* an inspiration to do something wonderful in my home. Your frugal sense is contagious and I love the ways you encourage us to see things with new eyes.
((hugs)) Carolyne

Melanie said...

What a nice idea for a giveaway! I love reading your blog, and especially enjoy all the beauty and inspiration you create on a budget.

Lisalulu said...

I ALWAYS love reading your blog and catching glimps of your fun creative life!

Karyn @ Candarbry Garden said...

Hi Manuela, I found you a couple of weeks ago, I don't think I have left a comment yet, but your giveaway has inspired me to introduce myself. I am also inspired by your creativity. You have a natural gift for bringing out beauty in everyday items. Thank you for sharing that gift. I think I popped over because I am in a Christmas Decorating rut, but now I am a follower because of your simple elegance. Karyn

p.s. Please enter me for your drawing...

Karen said...

Hi Manuella.
Just a reminder, I have you signed up for the Dec Doors of Welcome. Yes?
HAGD! Karen

kanewoman said...

What a lovely giveaway! I love following your blog and you do indeed inspire me!

Michelle said...

Apparently I am not the only ready of your blog since you already have 69 comments! Great blog, I enjoy it immensely...

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

OOOOHHH, Amazon.

Now that is a lovely give-away. :)

DarcyLee said...

Oh, yeah, I can always use an Amazon gift card! Thanks for your generosity.

Lena said...

Thanks for sharing...in your home and now this offering. I love all things french country, enjoy finding bargins and recreating what I have. However, my time for such things is greatly limited. Your blog provides a fix for me.
God Bless -

Debbie J said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

How sweet of you. I would love to be entered in your contest. I love Amazon because I love books. Linda

Kristi said...

Thank you for your great blog; I really enjoy your creativity! I have a fledgling blog of my own at tryingtogetstuffdone.blogspot.com. I look forward to your next entry! Enjoy!!


rnest said...

I enjoy reading your blog, thanks!

Robin @ rnest

Helen said...

Here I am - out of lurkdom! I'm Helen, and I LOVE your blog. I just never feel as if I have anything to add to what is already posted. I promise I'll try to remedy that.

Ally's Corner said...

Cool giveaway!! I need to buy something from Amazon maybe I will win.


Kirsten said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks, Manuela :-)

slip4 said...

I get so excited when one of your posts pops into my Google reader! And this is a wonderful giveaway!

sheista said...

Wow! Great giveaway.

I have a few decorating books on my wish list........

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

That's such a generous giveaway! I don't know if I've ever commented before, but I've been following your blog for at least a year now and really love all of the fun ideas you give! You're very talented! Keep it up! =)

Unknown said...

What a nice giveaway! I have been following your blog for some time and I look forward to your posts. I was especially excited to see your kitchen as mine is also decorated in the the same colors. You have been such a decorating inspiration to me! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win! My Amazon list is so long, and I haven't been particularly good this year, ha. But Santa, I can explain!

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

I look forward to your blog each day.
I've love to pick my own gift from you!

danamc at gmail dot com

Ms_Pea said...

I am one of those "behind the scenes" readers who loves your blog and gets great inspiration from it every day, but doesn't comment too often. So thank you for the great gift opportunity, but also for the opportunity to say THANKS for your inspiration :-)

fitzs . jill @ gmail .com

La Vita Bella said...

Wow, what a kind and generous giveaway. My email is romarachel at gmail dot com. I rarely comment, but thanks for posting your cute and creative ideas. :)

ABCD Diaries said...

What a generous giveaway! Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Hope said...

This is an amazing giveaway. And on amazon $25 is worth so much more than the typical bookstore, fun though those are!

Michelle said...

That's one of the best giveaways! I love shopping for books!

mmalie {at} msn.com

MarieC said...

I read your blog often although I don't know that I've ever commented before. I really liking reading your ideas.

Two of my girls are busily making rosette trees....we got the idea from you. I'll try to send pics when they are all done. One dd is doing one for each grandmother and the other dd has just completed one for her godmother. Great craft--looks so classy but easy enough for my girls (9 & 11 years old).

Susan said...

Susan from Northern Virginia
LOVE your blog :)

morninglorycottage said...

Hi Manuela,
Was great to finally catch up with you. Now I feel motivated to put away my fall stuff and get out my Christmas things. Thanks. Amanda

Stacy said...

you are such a sweetie!! i look forward to your blog each and every day-hope you are having much fun this holiday season!

Janet said...

OOOOH! What a great idea for a really worthwhile giveaway. Fingers crossed that I might win.
Have been checking out lots of new blogs today as Christmas is approaching and everyone is posting great ideas and great pictures. Thanks for your nice posts.
Janet in Nova Scotia where we are having our first snowfall.

Bahama Shores Mama said...

What a way to kick off the holiday season!

Thanks for the chance........

Anonymous said...

oh!oh! I know just the book I would use the certificate on!!!! Tis the season of giving!


Sherrie said...

I just discovered your blog a little while ago. I truly enjoy it!!! Thanks for your great ideas!!!
I hope I win I LOVE Amaozon!!!

Tina Lowry said...

Thanks for having such a wonderful prize for a contest. I look forward to all of your posts. You are so creative.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I'd love to win this one. There's a certain cookbook ..............

Hi! I'm Sandy from Aging Disgracefully. I've been following you and enjoying your posts for some time now. It's great to be part of this huge friendly group!

Thanks for this opportunity.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Manuela...well you KNOW me - lol. We have been blogging together for a few years now. What a generous giveaway. Please enter my name...


Unknown said...

Oh please add my name, I'm a huge book fan and this would be so nice! Thanks! I love your blog!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

That's very generous of you. Thank you. Please enter me. I may have to go buy the new Anne Rice book :)

Nadine said...

Another sweet giveaway! And yes, you do bring a smile to my face when I read your post!


Terrell said...

Hello Manuela! I don't have a blog of my own, but I do read a few for decor ideas, and I just love checking in here to see what new goodies you have! What a great giveaway you have as well! So fun! Thank you for bringing a smile to fun decorating ideas my way!

matty said...

What a wonderful idea! I have been toying with purchasing a cloche for some time. I look forward to seeing the party!

Sarah said...

forgot to put the email in....
Sarah Johnson

Heidi said...

ok, if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and steals all those gorgeous silver candle sticks....it wasn't me... :) love your new header too

Kathleen Grace said...

Sweet Manuela! I could use a $25 Amazon gift card:>) Thanks for a beautiful place to visit!

june@craftyniche said...

Oh, I would love get some Christmas books for my kids!

Dawn Gahan said...

Do count me in! And keep up the lovely blogging!


Anonymous said...

Don't know how I found your blog, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it AND have read EVERY post. :) tee hee.
Nicole - nicoleshoes@yahoo.com

Denise said...

Wow, what a wonderful and generous give-away. I follow your blog and get updates via blogger dashboard, so I try to pop over as often as I can.

TiffanyM said...

I found your blog using google reader. I love it. i originality found it because of the dave ramsey things you've posted! :D
like.blue80 at gmail dot com

Cottage on the Hill said...

What a great giveaway. I just adore your blog...toile too! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!

Carol said...

You have a really lovely blog. I love all of the ideas you share. Thank you for the giveaway.

carol_busse at yahoo dot com

The Nordquists said...

What a sweet giveaway! Love your blog! I always look forward to reading new posts!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...

Manuela...you are always so giving. How sweet. I am on pins and needles to see more of your Holiday decorating!!!!

Bombtastic Belle said...

This is an amazing giveaway -thank you for doing it! :) I'd love to win so we can order some baby related books since we're going to start trying after th efirst of th eyear.

Heather said...

Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! I love Amazon! Your blog is a wonderful source of inspiration to me - thanks for all you do!

Adrienne said...

I would love to win! I just stocked up my amazon cart this morning:)


Missy Wertz said...

What a generous giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing!

Katrina said...

Wow! How nice of you!! Hope you are having a great week :)

Lisa @celebrate CREATIVITY said...

You can never have too many books from Amazon-lol.

Great giveaway!

ShelliRae said...

What a great giveaway. I love to read your blog. So many fun ideas.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh, how fun. I love shopping on Amazon. it becomes quite addicted. Happy Holidays!

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Sarah said...

What a thoughtful and generous idea! Thank you for including me. I so enjoy your blog and always appreciate your visits to my blog. You leave such kind and thoughtful comments. Thank you! ~ Sarah

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Hi Manuela, I enjoy and follow your blog and think you are most generous to offer this as a giveway!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Manuela,
I am a regular reader of your blog. You inspire and motivate many through your blog and I am grateful to be able to come here when I see you've posted something new.
Happy Holidays to you~ Andrea

Carol said...

I love reading your blog everyday, you have such great ideas! An Amazon gift certificate is such a fun idea for a giveaway! I love your holiday blog banner! Thanks for doing a fun giveaway!

Lisa said...

What a great give-away! I stop by your blog nearly everyday to marvel at your creativity! I don't always comment because quite frankly I'm, more often than not, speechless! You are amazing! Thanks for all the inspiration.

Julie Harward said...

This is a great idea! I'm amazed at all the comments!!! Come say hi :D

Unknown said...

Oh wow, I love Amazon!!! Thanks for coming by to visit me!!

Suzann said...

What a wonderful idea!!!

Of course I would love to be included.

mamajuliana said...

I enjoy your blog so much! Amazon and I get along too well! What a great idea for a giveaway!

Cecily said...

Hi Manuela, I live in a tiny town on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada & have loved the beauty & resourcefulness that you have shared with us all. Reading your blog always puts a smile on my face & I often call my husband over to say "you've gotta see this!". Thanks so much for the giveaway...home at bcsupernet dot com

Melanie said...

What a great giveaway! I read your blog via Bloglines! LOVE it! Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

What a very thoughtful and generous giveaway. I look forward to all of your posts and enjoy your thoughtful and creative ideas.

Georgia Girl said...

Sorry forgot my email...


Marlana said...

What a great and timely giveaway! I enjoy reading about the way you decorate so frugally.

:) Marlana
marlanajill @ yahoo.com

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

What a sweet wonderful, generous idea! Thank you so very much! I've got many good books waiting on my wish list!

Aubrey said...

Thank you for your sweet comment! I'm so happy with it =) Very nice giveaway...I order from Amazon all the time! Have a wonderful week!


Julie said...

Too sweet! How thoughtful of you to offer such a neat giveaway. Love visiting here in your blogspot. Thanks for sharing all of your creativity and unique inspirations and decorating tips.
It's fun every day. :-)

Jen said...

My wish list will thank you for this give-away if I win!

I do love 'wandering around your place'. I was so delighted when you started blogging again. :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and I would love a gc from Amazon.com



Natural Mama said...

I would love to enter! So glad I found your blog this yr, Manuela! It has been very inspiring to me.
God Bless you for your generosity!

Rhondi said...

Hi Manuela
I would love to win your giveaway!
Hugs, Rhondi

Anonymous said...

How fun! I can think of several books I would love to have. But maybe more appropriate for the season, I can think of several books I would love to gift to people.

Lura said...

What a great giveaway! I was just wishing today for an Amazon gift card for what else...books! I love your blog and the way you use what you have and make everything so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hoppin over to say hi after being gone all last week and see your having a giveaway! How sweet!

I am feeling so far behind with Christmas decorating- everyone's blogs are looking so Christmas e lovely- and I am just beginning and not very much beginning at that!! LOL

Have a great week!

My Cozy Cubby said...

You are so generous to do a giveaway! I always appreciate your comments on my blog. I don't know how you're able to keep up with so many visitors! But I definitely know why you have so many!! Have a great rest of the week!


Caroline said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. Please add my name to the pot. Come and visit me sometime!

A Dusty Frame said...

What a nice giveaway:)
As a homeschool mom, I can do serious damage at Amazon;)

Thanks for entering me;)

Unknown said...

I've just put up a couple new books on my Amazon wishlist. It would be lovely to win, thank you for the opportunity!

I've just very recently found your blog through another blog I visit(unfortunately I can't remember which one, sorry about that) and I have really enjoyed the decor posts. Lots of creativity for me to emulate and get some of my own ideas from :-)


Suzanne said...

That is a great giveaway idea! You're so sweet to offer this....Happy December! :)

Susie said...

So fun and generous!

Your blog has become one of my regular stops...I am always excited to see new posts here!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. Your blog is very inspiring.


Always, Hannah said...

You are on my google reader. I really enjoy seeing the things you do in your home. aprilshecon(at)gmail(dot)com

blogginbaby said...

Hi Manuela, I stumbled across your blog through a posting on another blog. I'm so glad that I clicked over to yours. You are very creative, frugal and inspirational which is absolutely PERFECT in my opinion.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I hope that you have a blessed holiday season! Regards, Sharon

Kendra said...

I found your blog through Southern Hospitality. You have the greatest ideas! Thanks for sharing them! Merry Christmas!


misskp said...

Visiting your blog each day is like visiting with an old friend.....that I've never met! Thanks for the inspiration you send out into the blogosphere, and Happy Holidays!


Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

You are so sweet Manuela. What a great giveaway. I just love visiting and seeing your gorgeous home!


Barbara Jean said...

This is a great idea!!

I know some things from there i would love to have.

Please enter my name.

And, can't wait for the cloche party.
Love 'em!

barbara jean

Carla said...

Great giveaway. I've been following your blog for awhile now. I love your thrifty decorating ideas and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your toile.

Paula@SweetPea said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to pick out a book for some winter time reading.

Katy said...

I love love love getting books on Amazon!!!! I get used books and can get them at such great prices!!! I would LOVE to win!!! Thanks for the chance Manuela!! :)

Shilo said...

Your new header is so pretty! I hope you are having a great week, Manuela!
Many blessings on your day!

Cindy said...

Good morning. I love your blog and read it often. I think your style of homekeeping to be simple and very elegant. I love it! I look forward to new posts. Merry Christmas!

Jeanine said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blog. You are so creative. Winning an Amazon gift card would be awesome. Thank you for the opportunity,

Jeanine at wvahillswife@yahoo.com

T said...

Love your blog! I am newly married and still "setting up house" - I get so many ideas here!

Lisa said...

Wow, tons of comments!

I really do look forward to reading your posts. They are thoughtful and inspiring. You have taught me a lot about decorating on a budget. I struggled for years, not knowing how to decorate my home on a (very) slim budget but wanting my home to be inviting and pretty. Over the past year, there have definitely been improvements in the decor of my home! I have to give you a lot of credit for that.

I also have to thank you for telling me about thrifting! I am (slightly) addicted. It is so much fun to me! Thanks for sharing your talents with us :)

A Southern Rose said...

What a generous giveaway! I love your blog and I love getting inspired by you!

Lee Laurie

Sarah said...

Hi Manuela!
I love your blog! I always find something that inspires me when I'm reading!
What great idea for a giveaway! It will definitely help me with my Christmas shopping!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your very positive and giving outlook!

What a great givaway!

Julie said...

You are so kind to have this give-a-way. I dont even know where to begin to think of what I would order! I love your blog too!

Mist said...

I've been a follower of your blog for quite some time, but I'm a little shy about commenting. This generous giveaway was too irresistable though. :)

Thank you for all the effort you put into your blog!


Lora said...

What a wonderful gift! I found your blog a few months ago and have enjoyed all your ideas. I followed your tutorial on bleaching bottle brush trees. It worked like a charm and I am glittering them today! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
Lora D.

my home said...

Hi! Thanks for the great giveaway! I am not very stylish ,but glory i DO love books!! teapitts at bellsouth dot net

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway. I'm looking for some books for Christmas gifts, so this would be perfect!! Thanks

mommyto2 said...

I check your blog daily! You offer great tips and ideas! Thanks!!


amybee said...

Thank you. What a nice offer.

Martine said...

I will have to try making your bottle brush tree. I love anything with the instructions "whole lot of glitter". Thank you for the lovely giveaway, books are always well loved by everyone in my house.

Wendy said...

What a lovely giveaway!

Annette said...

Love your blog and your ideas and great finds. What a great idea about the amazon gift certificate....I love to read so I would just love to win.

Anonymous said...

You know that I'm a fan ... checking in every day! Destiny

Sharon said...


Thank you so much for your generosity! I LOVE your blog and you inspire me so much :) Thank YOU!

Have a wonderful day and I look forward to checking out the Cloches :)


Ellejay said...

Hi Manuela! I've been reading your blog for quite awhile and am so glad you came back after deciding you weren't going to blog! Love your blog & your ideas! :) I keep planning to start my own blog someday

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift! I just love your blog. I was thinking of your blog just this past week when I saw some gorgeous but pricy red bottle brush trees. Thanks to you I know how to make them myself!


Thirkellgirl said...

Love your photos, especially the one at the top today with mercury glass candlesticks and the cute little red brush tree. Love your blog, seldom comment... for no good reason. Merry Christmas!

Dilem*mama said...

Thanks for all the inspiration!

WendyKV said...

Hi Manuela,
I enjoy your blog so much. You have wonderful and creative ideas. It's a pleasure to visit. What a great giveaway! Ü


Sheila said...

Hi! Your blog ROCKS!!!
Thank you for the offer of a give a way!

Take care~
Happy Holidays!


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