Hi everyone! I’m sitting here snacking on some banana bread as I write. I baked it in the crock pot cause it’s too stinkin hot to use my oven! Did you know you can bake in a crock pot?
Anyhoo, I thought all you mama’s that have sent your kids off to college with a crock pot might like to know that you can use it to bake in. I know I would have been one very popular girl if I'd known I could do that in mine!
Also, if you’re like me and live some place where you’ll be using your life savings to pay your electric bill because of the AC being cranked all day…every day…for months….well, you might like to bake yourself a little treat without turning on your oven and heating up your house! So use your favorite banana bread recipe (or pumpkin or zucchini – whatever). This is what you do....
Turn your crock pot on to high and let it pre-heat it while you mix up your treat. Make two little balls of foil and put them in the bottom of your crock pot. You will set your loaf pan on them.
Mix up your recipe and pour into a greased loaf pan and set on top of those foil balls (or a rack if you have one). This pan is a bit smaller than the one I use when I bake in the oven. I think this one is 8 1/2x4 1/2. But it really depends on the size of your crock pot – so test for fit before you do this. Some people bake in a coffee can in their crock pot but I’ve never tried that.
Prop the lid to let the steam escape. You don’t want to get all that condensation that you normally get when you cook in your crock pot. I just move my lid over a bit so it’s on loosely but you can also put something under it to keep it propped. It takes about two hours (my crock pot runs a bit on the hot side so keep a watch on yours the first time you do it – it may take more time).Let it sit for about 5 minutes before slicing.
Did you notice the pretty tole tray? It’s from my bloggy friend Viola! Thank you Viola!
In addition to being more energy efficent than an oven, what I really love about baking in the crock pot is that I was free to mow my backyard, pull some weeds, come in and take a shower all while it was baking. No having to keep an eye on it and NO HOT KITCHEN!!! Give baking in your crock pot a try!

I'm gonna have to try this! I baked a caramel apple cake last night and just about burned up in my kitchen. I guess I'm just ready for Fall and trying to rush it but after being in that hot kitchen, I'll wait a little longer before baking in my oven again. Your banana bread looks delicious.
Lee Laurie
"Oh My this is wonderful"!!! NOW I'll have to dig out the crock pot, it must smell SO GOOD in your home! OH by the way, LOVE THOSE DISHES, I have them TOO, hehe... You have WONDERFUL taste,!!! Hugs, Donna
You have the best ideas. I don't have a oval crockpot, but I may have to experiment with the one we have. It is large, but not oval. I use my crockpot so much in the summer anyway and often I will sit it out in the garage to keep even that little bit of heat outside. Baking like this is totally new to me.
I now want some banana bread! Yum. Today a tall glass of cold milk instead of coffee would be in order.
Oh, and my apple butter is fabulous. I didn't have very much white sugar so Chloe thinks we only used 2 cups for a full crockpot of apples. Deliciousness!
After just finding a wonderful brand new crock pot in the thrift store for $2, I have been anxious to try different things (besides BBQ ribs, which are to die for..)
You didn't mention whether the pot was turned on high or low..so I'm guess the answer is high..
I can't have regular grains, so I think I'm gonna try some cornbread..think it might work?
Thanks for this..I'm so jealous!
I didn't have a clue that you could do something like that in the crock pot! WOW I'll have to try it!!♥
Awesome idea and it looks yummy...I am hankering for pumpkin bread. I think I am pushing it though...
Warm wishes,
I DID not know you could do that, Manuela! I am so impressed! Of course, I could make this for the fam, but I can't eat it unless I find a gluten free recipe. I used to love Banana Bread though. Maybe I'll surprise my hubby and son and make some for them without thinking of myself. : ) And, I am one of those with the high electric bill, on top of the tuition payments, I can't be fooling around heating the house up with the oven! Does it still make the kitchen smell yummy?
You had me at "crock pot" and again at "banana bread"...awesome, a great idea..thanks! :D
Great idea! I will definitely try this!
I love your Johnson Brothers china. I have just started to collect it-piece by piece.
The banana bread I can almost smell from Texas. I just came in from cutting back some of the jungle. We got a little rain and it cooled a bit. You stay cool now and enjoy that tray and that sweet bread.
Hi Manuela
I've never heard of banana bread in a crock pot! Amazing!
Hugs, Rhondi
WOW, that looks delicious! I will try that trick! It is amazing how that works!
Enjoy your evening and your scrumptious banana bread!
I really should use my crockpot more. Especially with football season coming up. Three games a week really eats into my evenings.
Okay, I'm getting out the crock pot tomorrow. No hot kitchen sounds perfect to me and I swear that I can smell banana bread.
What a brilliant idea! My crock pot is old and round in shape. I know a loaf pan wouldn't fit in there, but maybe 2 small ones. I'll have to experiment.
I did notice that lovely tray and how nicely it went with your banana bread. What a sweet friend to send it to you.
I did not know that. Thanks for sharing that info.
Sooo I've never tried baking in my crock pot ...but I LOVE banana bread. I will be trying this out. THANKS so much for sharing.
I have heard you can do this, but have never tried it. I do little cooking when it is so hot anyway. Banana bread sounds so good.
Manuela, I am posting a link to this in a couple days when I do my food post. What a great idea for summer baking. Who knew?
Hmmmmm...I'm definitely going to have to try this, b/c I too live in a place that too darn hot to turn on the oven from May until November!
OK, the tray is adorable, your vinyette, and never knew you can bake in a crockpot! Amazing! Thank you!
Well, aren't you a smartie? What a terrific idea. It's supposed to be hot this weekend so I may have to give baking in the crock pot a try. Do you have a spare crock pot going with supper?
This is definitely a new one on me. It looks so moist and yummy, too. I think I'll give it a try. Patty
I love banana bread so I am going to have to try this for sure. You have inspired me to start using my crock pot again. I haven't in a long time!
Wow Manuela, you never cease to amaze me. Baking in the crock pot. With the cooler months (even in San Diego) around the corner, I will have to try this.
The tray looks so nice, I'm glad it arrived safely and you can put it to good use.
God bless!
No way! I am so doing that! : ) I lurve my crock pot and have realized I can put just about anything in it that I would the oven, but NEVER thought about baking in it!
How awesome! Since I am still without a stove, this gives me hope for serving the family something yummy instead of store bought goodies.
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
What a great idea! I'll have to find a can that will fit in my crockpot. Love the tray!
Mary Ellen
How neat! Thanks for sharing Manuela :) I didn't know one could do that. I will have to give it a try sometime. Oh I LOVE those teacups and saucers, just beautiful!
Have a beautiful day!
Manuela, What a GREAT IDEA! I am going to try this with zucchini bread! Thanks for this wonderful tip, my friend!
How clever you are, Manuela! I had no idea you could do that--great idea!
So sorry it's so hot for you--hope it cools down soon!
That is such a great idea. No matter what, my family seems to get the oven going :/. BTW, I just saw this a.m. in the NYT (Fashion section) that Keds has toile tennis shoes!
I didn't know you could do this and I want to try. What a fabulous way to beat this South GA heat. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for the crockpot baking tips! I have a large slowcooker, and also a medium size crockpot. Yesterday I fixed two large pork loins in the big one, and two bags of new potatoes roasted w/ olive oil & garlic in the medium one. Together with all the garden veggies, we now have enough to eat for days.. lol! And slowcooker cookin' is so easy and delicious. I will try your techniques for banana bread! Actually, now I'm overrun w/ zucchini, so it may be Z bread first!! :) -Tammy
I am so glad you shared this. I never knew you could use the crock pot this way, and we use ours a lot. We also love banana bread! Thanks so much!
You wait until AUGUST in the hottest Georgia summer of recent recollection to mention this little tidbit? Flag on the play!
I am so anxious to try this. I also have my old crockpot sitting up in the attic yearning to be used and too good to toss. I think I'll send it to school with the girls with a head's up about this. This is perfect.
Thanks! I need to research and see what else you can do in a crockpot.
Gosh, I love this blog...
i have that some pattern..it's johnson bros. isn't it? i love those teacups...i use mine around the holidays...
and what a great idea....
i need to make some zuchinni bread....got so much in the garden..and it sounds so late summer...
happy to visit you today, my friend
it's been too long
We had some zucchini bread for breakfast this morning (one I had in my freezer). This was my first year planting a garden, and we have plenty of zucchini around...I was actually thinking of making some zucchini bread today. Who knew?! I didn't even think about baking in the crockpot! Thanks so much for the idea!! I will definitely try it! One thing that I've been doing to take advantage of the heat: I made some breadsticks for dinner last night, and I left them in our car in the garage to rise. When we got back from soccer practice, they were ready to bake for 15 minutes. Works everytime!(Since I usually don't have much luck letting things rise on the counter). Anyway, sorry this is such a long comment, but I just appreciate your idea!! Thanks.
Now thats something I have never done in the slow cooker/crockpot at all!Going to have to try it one day as it looks yummy!
Too cool! Love this idea!!!! I'm definitely going to give it a try! but I'm really hoping that the weather cools off so that I don't mind running the oven:)
Enjoy your night1
This is a very useful piece of information!
Thanks so much,
I have never heard of this! thanks you for passing this on. I have been wanting to bake but didn't want to heat up the kitchen:>)
That looks delish! I am so going to give this a try tomorrow.
I really love my crock pot too! :)
Hi Manuela! No no Nannette! I didn't know you could bake in the crock pot! I have one like yours and I'm going to try this! Woo Hooness! How fun would this be!
I love your tray - it's gahgeous! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great to know! I do make a chocolate cake in the crockpot but you just pour the batter in the crock and bake it in there. You're so right...too hot for the oven! Mimi
Although I haven't used the crock pot to bake, I've made things in my larger electric roaster. It even has a rack. Two round cake pans will fit lengthwise in it or a 9x13 pan. Once when I was in 7th grade,I made a cake in the electric skillet! Who knew?! You are just so innovative w/your posts! hugs, Sue
Manuela, I had NO IDEA you could bake in a crock pot! I'm so happy to know this--I love to bake, but even an electric oven really heats up the kitchen. (When we lived in Michigan we had a gas oven--it was wonderful in the cold Michigan winters but in the summer it made even our northern kitchen hot!)
Thank you for passing on this timely tip! :)
I'm definitely going to have to try that! Thanks for the info!
I thought you had to use a special pan you could only get from the manufacturer etc! Thankyou Manuela for telling us otherwise!! I have some canned pumpkin to use up and this would be perfect in this hot weather!! If you could be sure a stray cat or whatever would not sample it you could even put the crock pot like I do the dehydrater on the covered patio to keep the house from any heat at all. :) Wow homemade deserts again! Thanks!!! Sarah
Great! I have definitely got to try this- I never bake in the summer for this very reason. Can't wait! Thank you! (BTW, thank you for visiting me! That was super nice!)
How interesting! I never knew you could do this! What a great way to save energy and keep the kitchen from heating up!
I love that you're using that snow scene china for your break. I'm in Georgia too, a bit south of you and believe I KNOW how HOT it is! I usually lean hard on reading novels or true stories set in Alaska or the Arctic this time of year. The Long Winter is another good one. I get in a nice shivery mood and can turn the AC up and the fans off, lol.
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