Hi everyone! It thought I’d share some photos of all the roses I have blooming and give you all an update of what’s happening around here.
I think I say this every April but so much is in bloom that I wonder what’s left for the rest of the season!
Anyway, the Knockout Roses are in full bloom and are just a wonderful carefree rose (at least for me).
I was at Home Depot yesterday and saw that they have white ones now. Want one of those!
Believe it or not, but I cut this rose way back in December! Those Knockouts are such nice roses that bloom all year long here in Georgia.
This is my very favorite rose.
It was here when we bought the house and I just love it! I wish I knew what it was. I’ve done some research online but can never find one exactly like it. I’m going to take a few clippings and try to start them in some pots.
My Climbing Iceberg. Very pretty but does tend to get blackspot which I just leave alone since my blueberry bushes are planted behind it. Don’t want to get any nasty spray on something we eat! This year I’ve tried spraying it with some liquid seaweed mixed with water and it did better until we got all these crazy spring storms with lots and lots of rain. I’ll spray it again this week as it’s supposed to be dryer.
My white Clematis (and you can see the blackspot on the Iceberg). Wow the last time this bloomed was about 4 years ago!
I couldn’t believe this! I planted this almost ten years ago before I planted the roses. I had a nice obelisk I was going to train it up. But it never bloomed so I planted a Knockout rose instead. Every year it would come back but just the leaves. One year my husband thought it was a weed and cut it down! This year it’s got blooms!!! Must be a good year for Clematis. Of course it’s growing underneath the backside of a Knockout so no one is going to be enjoying it but me! But it’s was such a nice surprise to find a bloom and it’s going to be fun to see what it does.
***Now for an update. Well, we’re not sure what we're going to do with the house. The news from the agents hasn’t been what we had hoped to hear. Unfortunately my neighbor to the side of me just listed her house for considerably less than what we had planned to list our house for. She’s moving back to a small town in Texas and says she can make up the difference there since houses are way cheaper.
We,unfortunately, had planned to move into the city and prices are much higher than here and we need to make money not just break even (and definitely not lose money). So we’re considering renting it out, or listing it and actively trying to find a developer (you could build 3 or 4 houses on our property the way they stack them so close these days), or listing & hoping someone comes along that would be willing to pay more and has the cash. We sort of knew it would all be a long shot but you don’t know till you try. So we have to decide what to do. I’m still plugging away at all my projects since they’re things I wanted to do anyway – so no harm done. Anyway, I’ll let you all know what we decide to do.
Happy Earth Day!