Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What To Do With Those Cheap Door Mirrors - DIY Day


Check out A Soft Place To Land for other DIY projects! I wanted to find a way to be able to write more than a few words on a chalkboard and I didn't want to make one from scratch. Plus I wanted to put it on my fireplace mantel so I needed something long but not wide. I looked for a long picture to paint over at the thriftstore but never found just the right thing!

Then I had a light bulb moment! I'd seen several people paint over small mirrors with chalkboard paint. Those cheap $5 door mirrors were the perfect width and length for what I had in mind. Would it work?

For $5 (at Target) it really was worth a try. So I sprayed the glass with Kilz primer and waited a day. Then I applied three coats of chalkboard paint (the kind you paint on with a brush not the spray). I waited two days before I used it (did you know you should cover your chalkboard with chalk and wipe it off before using it?).

It works!

I wanted a chalkboard large enough to write passages from books and my husband wants to write movie dialogue from the Matrix and Godfather! How much fun is this going to be!! Plus, it's thin enough that you can just slip it behind or underneath something to store it when you don't want to use it!

I would not use regular chalk on this. I used a piece to prime the board and it scrapped it but these chalk markers work just fine because they are more You can find them at Michael's (use your 40% coupon) or on Amazon and ebay.

On my chalkboard this week is a bit from "Anne of Green Gables" (one of my all time favorite books).

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?"


Richella Parham said...

What a good idea. If it works with a small mirror, why not with a large one?

And I must say that I admire your taste in quotations. Anne of Green Gables was my girlhood heroine. Maybe she's the heroine of every redheaded girl. But she was certainly mine. I have all 8 Anne books and I re-read them every few years. And I do like for there to be "scope for imagination"!

Sara said...

Apparently you have some scope for imagination yourself! Cool idea.

Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

I had no idea there was a such thing as chalk markers! Perfect!

I love how your mirror to chalkboard turned out - great job!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Visiting from Kimba's party! :) Absolutely beautiful! I love the idea of creating one large enough to write long passages on. Good tip on the chalkboard markers. :)

Mary Ann said...

Love this! I was just thinking that I would like a chalkboard over my kitchen sink to write scriptures and quotes on and wondered how to do it inexpensively.

Now I'm thinking I'd like a long one over my mantle too. I have a round mirror almost like yours over my mantle too.:-)

Susie Q said...

Isn't this a fun idea! There really is no end to your imagination and talent!
Aren't those chalk markers great!!
I too love AOGG and that quote...


Its So Very Cheri said...

I am starting a NEW Mr. Linky party. It will begin on Aug 10th so everyone will have a week and a half to think about their first post. I have a poll up for votes on which button should be the new button. The "party" is called The Knock Off Knock Out-where THRIFTY meets creative sensation. Go over and learn more about the new weekly event and I would appreciate if you would cast your vote and HELP pick the new button design and its the last week for the July GIVE-A-Way, if you would like to be a part of that event..

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Great idea! I'm currently overdoing it on chalkboard paint projects and I never thought of using one of those crappy door mirrors.

AND those chalk paint pens are awesome!!

Stopping by from Kimba's...

-G- said...

Oh my gosh, 1st: i love your new chalkboard. 2nd: wonder if those chalk markers would work on my chalkboard at school?? that would make me one happy teacher! =)


Linds said...

Cute idea! Love the contrast with the wall. Love DIY DAY!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a fabulous idea! I've got a "Michaels'" coupon just waiting in my pocket...

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Eileen said...

What a great idea! It turned out beautifully.

Tanya said...

Sooo cute! I love some words of inspiration around the cottage.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I painted one of those ugly white cabinets with chalkboard paint and I love it. I never knew that there was chalkboard markers though. I'm going to have to check them out. Thanks for the info.

Becky K. said...

That is fun! I wouldn't have thought to put it on a mantle but it really works.

I love the quote, too.

Have a great day!

Becky K.

Ally's Corner said...

What a great idea!!! I love Anne of Green Gables.


Kammy said...

Such a great idea ! I didn't know about chalk board pens - how cool is that ?

Kathleen Grace said...

Great idea Manuela, and thanks for the tip on where to find the markers. I have been wanting some and it is much cheaper to use a coupon at Michaels than to order them:>)

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

What a great idea! That size would work great for a big menu for a party too! Just turn it up the long way.

Lamp Tramp said...

That's a great idea to use the cheap door mirrors. I love it!

Sue said...

The first time I went looking for chalk markers(about 6 months ago), everybody looked at me as if I had three eyes! Finally found them at Hobby Lobby with a 40% coupon. I kept explaining to people about the signs that restaurants use to post specials! no, never heard of them.... Mine are really cool colors- blue, yellow, and red, also white.... No messy chalk dust....
Love your idea with the cheapie $5 mirror! And the great quote, too.
hugs, Sue

Sharon said...

Great idea Manuela! I was just thinking about those mirrors a couple of days ago :) Hmmm, I may need to be on the look out for one :) Thanks for sharing as usual :)

have a beautiful day!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Now that is cool! And I never new there was such a thing as a chalk marker!

Cyndi said...

Love this idea!!!

Scrappy quilter said...

What a great idea, I love it.

Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Manuela,
I love your chalkboard and I especially loved seeing your mirror inside your faux firebox! Now that's got me thinking cause I have a display mantel too with the black cloth behind...hmmmm *smiles*

paintergal said...

I love that!
I didn't know about covering it with chalk before using; great tip.

Holly said...

You had me at Anne of Green Gables! My all-time favorite.
Oh, and the chalkboard is fab too!

Unknown said...

Fantastic idea! Such a low cost project, and it turned out so well. Thanks for sharing!


Delightful Dwelling said...

What a neat idea. I love how you are using it to write quotes on.

Rebekah said...

That Anne-girl! Who knew there was so much scope for the imagination in a $5 mirror?!

Ms. Tee said...

Oh, that is definitely brilliant! I love that idea. I may have to try this very soon!

Angie said...

Awesome! You are so good!

Diane Shiffer said...

What an amazing idea!! I love it♥

Vee said...

Now that is a clever idea. I like the chalkboard ink as it just has that finished look to it. Clever gal!

oliveoyl64 said...

I did not know you could "kilz" a mirror and chalkboard over it. See what useful info we can learn from our blog chicas. I am getting some of those pens too.

sara said...

What a GREAT idea!

Lady Katherine said...

I love this idea! It is great! I tried to buy one of these mirrors,and make a frame for it. Hubby with me, No, I do have other mirrors not using, lots larger. I think you have created a great Idea! Very Clever!

Michelle said...

That's a great idea. I have an old door mirror already. Thanks for the tip!

junkgarden said...

Very cute and why didn't I know about those chalk markers? Thanks for sharing.

Rue said...

LOL The Godfather... That reminds me of the line in You've Got Mail... "What is it with men and The Godfather?" ;)

The chalkboard turned out wonderful!

The candles on Rich's cake were really obnoxious weren't they?! I loved the look on his face when I lit them though LOL


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I would have never thought about painting over a mirror.
Thanks for the info.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

How cute that is! That's a really neat project. I'll have to look for those chalkboard markers now that I have one too. My tiny piece of chalk won't last much longer & I'm actually putting up a dinner menu every week. Hope I can keep it up.

Love your blue toile room too, that is very pretty with the neutral walls. You've been busy! :)

GlorV1 said...

That is a great idea Manuela. I have one of those mirrors but I have it on my door in my studio. If I ever take it down, I will definitely use it as a chalkboard. I think it's great. As for the quote from Anne of Green Gables, I memorized that quote so long ago...

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?"

Ah, those are wonderful words. Okay so I didn't memorize it but they are words worth memorizing. Ever heard of copy and paste.hehehehe Seeya

Anonymous said...

I love it! I want to try this with magnetic paint and use it in my craft room for an inspiration board (with magnets). I looked last week for the magnetic paint but couldn't find it at Walmart. I'll head to a home store.

I do think that those $5 mirrors are great. Such a nice large surface to redo for cheap!

DarcyLee said...

I love Anne! What a girl. I love your idea about putting up quotes. Very imaginative.

Farmgirl Paints said...

What a fun idea. It really turned out great and I love your quote. The chalk markers are something I've never heard of. So going to Michaels soon. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "Anne of Green Gables"! And I love your easy chalkboard even more. What a great idea to post quotes from books. I can imagine your hubby adding his own quotes as well.hehe The chalk inks are great. I love how bright they are and so easy to clean up!

Hope you have enjoyed the rain this week,

kathi said...

Chalkboard markers! How cool is that! I'm going to have to tell my school teacher daughter about these!

Annie said...

OH. MY GOSH. I am so stealing, er... borrowing this idea!!! Thank you! I want to use it to write out scriptures, holiday wishes, etc.

FYI for all those wanting to do this one: Target also has a door mirror that is framed in a wider silver-stainless frame. And it's only about $15. A bit more than $5, but gives it a bit more OOMPH!

Thanks again, TPOH...

trish said...

How clever!!

Kirsten said...

Love it, Manuela! Is the mirror sturdy enough that you don't have to worry about it breaking?

Unknown said...

Do you have glass installed in your fireplace? What a great idea.
Also, the chalkboard mirror is fun too!

Anonymous said...

But why?

The Creative Bohemian said...

Manuela, It never ceases to amaze me how clever you are!

Sandra said...

Wow! What a great idea!

Barb said...

Manuela, how clever. I want to do this!!!!!!!!!!! Mercy, all the projects and so little time. Ha.


About Southern Belle said...

I love chalkboard paint and am always thinking of news ways to use it, but never thought about painting over a mirror. What a great idea and your chalkboard looks really nice.

Jen @ said...

LOVE IT Manuela! Such a great idea and I love the shape of it. So different than the usual chalkboard projects.

Thanks for the tip on where to get the chalkboard pens. I have been meaning to get some of those!


Anonymous said...

You are just too clever! Thank you for sharing. And ... you are so right about the markers. I bought some last week at Hobby Lobby for 40% off and they work so much better than chalk because they look so clean!

Anonymous said...

Opps! Anonymous is me, Destiny D!

Mama Bird said...

Okay, I'm more excited about the chalkboard markers than anything! I had no idea they had such a thing! But, I do have one of these old mirrors in my basement that I am SO turning into a chalkboard! Love it.

Also LOVE Anne of Green Gables. I have a special Christmas collection of Anne stories that I read every year that my Mom sent to me on my first Christmas in Australia. Now, if only I had a daughter to share my love of Anne with. Somehow I don't think my boys will appreciate her. Sigh.

Signing Out said...

What a fantastic idea! I didn't know you had to cover the chalkboard with chalk before using it. I haven't made one yet, but I do plan doing it in the near future. Thanks for the tip.


Free Art Printables said...

Fantastic as usual!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

You have more light bulb moments than my lamp! This sure is a fabulous one! laurie

Anonymous said...

Now that is sweet! I love that idea! Thanks for sharing~

Richella Parham said...

Hi Manuela--

I already left one comment, but I'm back to say that I love your new header! My goodness, how long has that been there? Your old header was very dear to me--I always felt at home when I saw that cute little shelf from your dining room pop up. But I really like this new one, especially for summertime! It's like the essence of Manuela wrapped up into a blog header. It's beautiful, and warm, and welcoming, and yummy-looking. Way to go!

Have a great weekend!

Amy {The Red Chair Blog} said...

Clever, clever, clever as always! And I love that you included a quote from Anne of Green Gables :)


sheila from life @ #17 said...

well, add me to the list of people who have never heard of chalk markers...those are great...I'm going to try & track some down!

thanks for the heads up...

Kimba said...

I love it! What a great way to use one of those mirrors. It looks perfect on your mantle.

And sign me up for the "I adore Anne of Green Gables" club. I have spent so many hours completely absorbed in those books. Now that I think about it, it's probably time for a re-read.

Thanks for the reminder and for sharing your wonderful project!


Manuela said...

I love the idea of the chalk marker! Never seen that before. I'd love to make one of these for my son's room. I think he'd love it.

Christina said...

Fantastic idea. Oh wow, just great for the quotations!! Love the chalk markers too. I'll have to find a coupon.

Roeshel said...

How clever! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Have a great week!

WallCandyArts said...

What a rich and beautiful blog. So happy to find you today.

Bonita said...

What a splendid idea! It's so cute and I love the idea that you can change the words on a whim.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I LOVE this idea Manuela! I've had an unused door mirror, w/ an ornate frame, in a closet for a couple of I know what I am doing w/ it! ;o)

Love the idea for thsi meme...thanks for pointing me in that direction!

Casa Mia said...

Oh Manuela, I dream of spending a day with you and watch you create "I'll be your assistant" and shopping at the Goodwill together, thanks for all your inspirations!