Friday, January 30, 2009

The Tray Garden

As women we often forget to do something special for ourselves. We are so used to doing for other's! This week I decided to do something just for me!

Even though I love crafting and decorating, what I truly love is gardening! That's one of the reasons we moved to Georgia, so I'd be able to garden 9 months out of the year! I've been checking every day to see if anything is blooming and a few tiny things are starting to peek out from the cold earth. I needed a garden fix! Usually buying a bouquet of flowers at Kroger does it for me. But this time I needed more!

I've been forcing bulbs since Thanksgiving. First Paperwhites and Amaryllis, then Hyacinths. I was also lucky enough to get some petite daffodils on clearance at Kroger

So when I was at Lowe's this week and saw that they had rows and rows of cheerful Primroses. I had to bring two of them home with me.

I put all my flowering bulbs and an ivy plant together on a pretty silver tray and created a little portable indoor garden for myself!

The Hyacinths smell so wonderful and tending to these plants is almost like tending my real garden. It lifts my spirits!

So treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store or force some bulbs or flowering branches if your like me and miss your garden. Or buy yourself a nice smelling candle and be sure you light it. Make yourself a special cup of tea or coffee and sit down and read a favorite book or look through a magazine. Do something special for yourself!

This is part of Melissa's The Inspired Room "A Beautiful Life" party.


Unknown said...

That is a lovely arrangement! I also love the smell of hyacinths. We used them at my daughters wedding reception and that place smelled wonderful!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your tray garden looks wonderful. And the pictures with the sun streaming though the leaves are beaufitul. Thanks for this wonderful touch of spring and a reminder to be kind to ourselves.

vintage girl at heart said...

Beautiful photographs and truly wonderful that you took the time to celebrate YOU!!!!

southerninspiration said...

That IS so refreshing isn't it??? Good job, as they are!!!


Cyndi said...

So very Lovely and what a great idea!

Terri Steffes said...

I totally love this. I love hyacinths. They are my favorite flower!

Teresa said...

what a fabulous idea- I'm putting that on my to do list-
I also love gardening-
Thanks- Happy Day

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, Manuela and such a good reminder to take care of ourselves too.

Vee said...

Oh how pretty! I visited Lowe's this week and saw all the beautiful primroses right at the front of the store. I stopped. I turned. I went back to look. But I didn't purchase any figuring that I had too many errands to run and that they would freeze before I could get them home. Just another one of the dangers of living in the artic circle. ;>

Anonymous said...

How spring-ish! Here it's very cold and rainy and foggy....your silver tray is a real ray of sun!

Betsy Brock said...

I love primroses! Such a pretty arrangement!

Kathleen Ellis said...

Mmmmm...what a nice little glimpse of spring! Does lift the spirits!

Kathy said...

How pretty. I forgot about my paperwhite bulbs until after Christmas. They are blooming now. What a welcome sight since we have three feet of snow outside!

Mary Ann said...

That is beautiful. I was just thinking the other day that I needed to buy a primrose or something. I am so ready for spring and gardening!

jen said...



2 Dogs said...

These are so pretty. I was at Walmart this week and noticed they were unpacking some houseplants. It's snowing here today.

Margaret's Ramblings said...

Well I know what I am going to do for myself tomorrow, thank you for the inspiration, Margaret

Ally's Corner said...

WOW! This is so pretty. I think I will try my hand at this. I so love flowers.

Lady Katherine said...

Your indoor garden is just lovey! I know the smells and the site of the flowers blooming makes your day brighter. Just what a girl needs, flowers! I've been watching my flowers, some I planted Christmas weekend, after going digging at family home, they are putting on leaves and some are starting to bloom. I am so excited, for I have been wanting a Confed. Rose, saw them in South Carolina and fell in love. Well the are in a bucket of water on the enclosed porch and leaves are sprouting out! Yeah

Emily said...

What a wonderful treat and so pretty too!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

You and my mother would get along nicely...she'd never go in if she didn't have to. I remember following her around when I was little and her endless chatter about what is coming up, and where she moved this clump of stuff from...and how the birds dropped this seed and these bloomed there...on and on...I'm not quite so good at it...but I do know Hyacinths smell better than anything in the world! They remind me of my birthday which is in March. Sometimes people give me a pot of them.
I like planning the different garden spots in our yard...Caladiums in the back...asparagus fern in the middle, then pink begonias in front of them LOL. That makes a pretty bed :)

Christina said...

All of the trays are beautiful. The green and flowers just add such a delightful touch.

Debbie J said...

I love this idea! I just might have to check out the plants at Lowes and Food Lion today. Yours are so pretty!

PAT said...

This is beautiful, Manuela!!!

Sandy said...

Treating ones self to something special is a beautiful idea. I am not sure why but when I saw your tray garden I literally teared up from the simple beauty of it. I truly think a trip to the garden center is in order. Until I saw your garden tray I did not realize how much I missed seeing something blooming. Thank you planting a seed of beauty for me today!

Myrnie said...

Beautiful! I love the turkey print on your throw, too. Thanks for sharing!

GlorV1 said...

Manuela, if I wasnt jealous before, I am now. Well maybe just a little bit. Why I have bulbs outside sprouting too. I hadn't though of taking pictures of them but you gave me an idea, if you don't mind my copying you. hehehe.
As far as treating myself, I do things like that from time to time. Thanks for sharing your beautiful plants and clean and immaculate home. Ta Ta
(i'm jealous):)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

So pretty - and I bet it smells wonderful!

Glenda said...

Oh, i like that. It will be my next inspiration.


Denise said...

Prety, pretty, pretty! What a lovely idea! Thank you for sharing a wonderful reminder and way to go about doing it!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I'm so tempted to buy some hydrangeas at our Krogers but I can't justify the $10 cost even though I know it's not that bad. After reading this, I may just pick some up next week! Thanks!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


With the snow we have and the cold temps - I truly appreciate seeing those lovely "spring" flowers!

You are right about doing a little something for ourselves, it lifts the spirits!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Such a pretty post! Your garden tray is so sweet and a lovely touch for winter days! I LOVE your darling yoyo dolie! Did you make it? Such a clever idea! Have a wonderful weekend!


julie & joe said...

What a beautiful idea!

Salmagundi said...

You southerners love your gardens!! With good reason, I see. When you live in the desert, it isn't near as much fun trying to coax things to thrive. I'm still all about winter - love it!! Sally

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Hi Manuela~
Oh I love your little garden! I do this in the summer, but kind of forget to do something like this in winter. What a great idea!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

So, Pretty! I really enjoyed doing paperwhites for the first time this year. It definitely won't be the last. And that amaryllis that is blooming now has been so fun to watch. That one came from a neighbor's plant, so I'm glad she shared. I love your little dish garden.

Amber B. said...

Those flowers are gorgeous. Every year I say that I am going to force bulbs, and I never have. I need to!! I love how they bloom during the cold, dreary days.

Mimi Sue said...

A little spot of spring! It looks great! Mimi

Chrissy said...

That is beautiful, I love how you put it together!

Jenni said...

That is such a wonderful idea! Your pictures are all so beautiful, too! I really LOVE the red primrose in the cup and saucer! I have exactly that color of primrose on my front porch...waiting for me to plant it. Instead, I am going to "copy" you and put it in a white cup and saucer. Right now it has an ivy plant in it, but I'll just find a new "home" for the ivy!

Your blog is one of my absolute favorites! I so much love my visits here. :) Thank you also for coming by my blog and saying hello! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with your indoor garden! It is truly beautiful.

Sue said...

the weather will warm up real soon and you'll be back in your garden! Have a wonderful weekend...the husband is already talking about going back over to Nathan' 6 months I'll be 20 pounds heavier...

A Romantic Porch said...

You know, I should do a tray like that too.

Karen said...

Good for you! You are right, we do tend to put ourselves last. But slowly . . . it's changing. It's nice.
Great arrangement! I love it!
Once again, your post is warm and inspirational. Thank you!

Laura said...

Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos.
Please stop by my blog to pick up an award I have for you! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Dear Manuela~ Just "discovered" your DELIGHTFUL blog & wanted to thank you for sharing this wonderful home you love so much, as well as your very "UP" personality~~~ Your joy shines thru your written words here, and it is such a treat to see n' read! Most sincerely, Linda/"Mom..." in AZ

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers. I've never had much luck forcing bulbs, but you've inspired me to try again.

Mumzie said...

Your tray garden is beautiful! I love your blog. Mumzie

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh Manuela, the dish garden is a delight! Primroses have always been one of my midwinter treats. They are such a bright spot of color in the dreary grey days. I love all your plants massed togther in your silver tray!

Anonymous said...

Your tray garden is simply beautiful!

Kelli said...

Oh my...your tray garden is gorgeous! Your pretty plants and flowers made me smile!

Stars Fault said...

I can smell the beautiful flowers from here! What a great idea, a bit of Spring would be really nice right about now!

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

Paula said...

Dear sweet Manuela,

I love your beautiful "tray garden!" It is so cheerful and a wonderful idea!!! I, too, love to garden. We were working in ours today and planted two blueberry bushes. My husband and son added some compost to our raised beds in preparation for spring planting. My hyacinths are peeking out of the pine straw. I am looking forward to seeing them bloom, but I would love to have an indoor garden like yours. I love primroses too, and you have them planted so pretty! Thank you for all the inspiration you share. I also enjoyed your previous post, as I enjoy all your posts! You are so creative!
Have a blessed weekend!
Love, Paula

Anonymous said...

How cheerful and bright, Manuela! I love the early flowers of spring. Thank you for sharing such a lovely idea and brightening my day.
xo, Jen

Jen @ said...

What a wonderful little garden Manuela! It's the perfect thing to counteract such cold and wintry weather.

So beautiful!


This Little Hen said...

This is just beautiful! You inspire me all of the time, thanks for that! PS you are SOOO right about a Classy flea!! LOVE IT! Oh make sure you stop by I am hosting a contest/giveaway this next week!

Anonymous said...

You can really only garden 9 months of the year in Georgia?

You're further south than I am.

If you plant bulbs in the fall here, the early daffodils come up in February.

I've been eating lettuce from my garden this week.

Pansies and stock do well here all winter long. Pansies don't even mind a light dusting of snow.

The primroses like it cold, too.

You should be able to do those all winter long.

bj said...

What a lovely addition to your room...beautiful arrangement.
I have a posting coming up regarding a "ME" day....:O)
hugs, bj

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Prudent Homemaker you don't have an email addy that I can find so I'll answer you here. Well, I suppose I could go out in the 20 degree weather we've been having and scrape up some weeds - we did go and prune some trees yesterday. Does that count? O.K. I'll say 10 out of 12 months - better?


Unknown said...

Wow!!!! You may think you were doing something just for you, but I am sure that your husband and daughter are enjoying it too! I know it brightened my day!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Manuela! I love your tray garden. What a lovely thing to do for yourself, yet it brightens your home and now it has brightened my day too! Thanks for inspiring me to do something beautiful just for me.

Have a lovely day,