Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today's Thrifty Treasues -$6 Potting Bench

It's that time again! Time to show your thriftstore/yardsale treasures. Be sure to visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for more Today's Thrifty Treasures participants.

My husband came back from taking the dog for a walk last week and said that neighbors were throwing a birdbath out do I want it? Of course, I want it!! Although I thought maybe the bowl would be cracked or something. But no - It looks just fine to me. I don't know why they were getting rid of it!

But it's good for me! Free is better than yardsale or thriftstore! I haven't found a permanent spot for it yet, but I'm sure I'll find the perfect place for it soon!

Guess what I did with this sink that I got at Goodwill?

It has something to do with this heap of junk that I found on the side of the road about a year ago. It honestly didn't look this bad when I hauled it home!

My husband took the top apart and the front legs. It had a shelf on the bottom and he reused those pieces to redo the top. The front legs he used some scrap lumber we had laying around. He even reused some of the screws from this piece! Recycle & Reuse!

What do you think of my new to me potting bench? Pretty cool I think! I wanted a bench that I could soak or wash off the veggies from the garden - therefore the sink. Also the bucket underneath will capture the water I use and then I can use it again to water the garden!

It even has hooks and cubbies!

Here it is with one coat of primer. I have 4 of the bracket things so I decided to foofy up the bench a bit with two of them. I think I have some scallop trim somewhere so I may add a few more things to make it cute! Just because it's practical doesn't mean it can't be pretty!

If the weather holds I'll probably paint it this week. I have a little bit of paint left that I used on my back door where I color matched my hydrangeas in the birdbath picture above that I'd like to use. But if that doesn't work out, I have so many little bits of paint left from various things I'm sure I can find something to use!

So the bench was free, we took it apart and reused pieces and added some scrap lumber and decorative brackets which we had. So in total it cost me the price of the sink - $5.63!

I want to thank my wonderful handy husband. I have the ideas and he executes them if they involve power tools!

Have a wonderful week everyone and thank you for stopping by!


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

You are too clever, Manuela! I've been wanting a potting bench, but worried about how it would stand up to the elements. How great to use something that has already proven that it can! And it IS pretty! Love it!...Debbie

julie & joe said...

I love the potting bench! I may need one of those. Have you heard of freecycle? We use the one here......give or take everything is free.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That is a beautiful potting bench you made. I like the way it looks right now...I am wondering what it will look like when it's painted.

Kelli said...

Hi Manuela,

Your potting bench find is amazing. It's totally transformed! Most would see a piece of junk, but the designer's eye sees possiblities! You and your husband are very creative! Thanks for sharing!

Have a wonderful week,

Ally's Corner said...

Amazing!!! I have a potting bench but it doesn't have a sink in it, cool idea!


Lady Katherine said...

It is wonderful! I love it! I know I was just saying this morn. I need somewhere to pot and keep my pots. Hubby took over all the sheds and pole barns, ect. All mine are on the ground in a pile! Hope to do something soon. lol Love it all pretty up! The paint makes it look beautiful! You are very creative!!!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, I just love that idea!! What a great freebie in the potting bench & then adding the sink was just genius. I adore what you did with adding the cutsie pieces too. I'd love to have a bench like this too.

Hey, our veggies are doing good this year, so we are going to be veggie gardeners too. Our tomatoes are loaded this year! My hubby even planted pole beans in the front yard on a piece of fencing. I'll have to do a post on that, the neighbors are probably dying! But he doesn't care. ;)

Kathi said...

Love the bench! Wish I had one!
Great idea putting a sink in!

I'm looking for a FREE birdbath too!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

What a fun transformation!! LOVE IT!

And in the fall, I got a free bird bath as well. It had a slight crack in the bowl, but I have planted flowers in it and love it. :)

Stacey said...

You've dazzled us again! You know we'd all like to follow you around. You are so smart.

abeachcottage said...

hmmm I woulda died to come across that for 6 dollars, what a result and madeover beautifully it

great inspriation

happy thrifting


Gypsy aka Tam said...

your potting bench is GREAT!!!! I absolutely love how you transformed it. You are such an inspiration.
Have a wonderful Monday,

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Your potting bench is beautiful, Manuela!! Great idea using the sink, too.

I absolutely love your beautiful hydrangeas. We treated the soil under our endless summers, but they are going to be pink, anyway. Pink is really pretty, but I was sort of hoping for blue!

Salmagundi said...

Great finds! But, it also takes a talented person to see potential in stuff. Wonderful job. Sally

GlorV1 said...

What a great idea Manuela. I like that you have the pot underneath so that water doesn't get wasted. Very cool and efficient. Way to go Manuela, you are a chip off the old block.:D Have a great week. You husband is handy dandy too.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! That would be a great find for any of us. You are so creative to put it all together like that.

Thanks for sharing.


Manuela said...

So amazing! I'm so inspired by you and so many creative ladies out there. It looks great!

vintage girl at heart said...

Oh Manuela this is so cute!!! You are so creative!!

Tammy said... it! And isn't it a pleasure to have a husband that can make what you think in your head a reality...mine does that too.


Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Manuela, That potting bench with the sink is too cute - you were so clever to think of putting that together. Linda

Caroline said...

Wow..what a great deal. I love how you put it all together...and the price was so right!! Please post a pic when its painted!

Rhonda said...

Your new bench is so nice - I sure you will use it lots and have many pretty blooms to enjoy and share with us.

and I'm really impressed your hubby hauled home the birdbath - I am guessing it was heavy!

Rebekah said...


Suzann said...


Jill said...

What a cute potting bench. I have been keeping my eye out for a thrifty find that may have potential!

Just precious, aren't you going to fun playing around with it, washing garden veggies and repotting!

At Home in the Country
in Hickory Hollow

The Tattered Cottage said...

How clever of you!! I LOVE your new potting bench. And you can't beat free...the birdbath is too cute.

Anna said...

the potting bench is functional and looks great too. I really like the birdbath also.

chris said...

That looks absolutely amazing.

Mary said...

What a great transformation! I love it!
And why would someone throw out a perfectly good birdbath...Thank that husband for of yours!

Gracie said...

Smart and clever as always Manuela! It came out pretty well I think.

Paula@SweetPea said...

I don't have a potting bench and really like how you did yours. I wouldn't have thought about a sink, but that will be very practical. It's great that you and your hubby work together to complete projects.

Kathleen Grace said...

I think your potting bench is wonderful! I love the idea of a washable sink in it for veggie washing outside. Great find on the birdbath too, free is my favorite:>)

Angela said...

Oh my,,just lovely...My husband as a green table in the truck that we were going to get rid of, and yesterday I had a 'light bulb' moment...I am planning on using it for a potty table at the back of my garage. Instead of waiting for my wooden one that I REALLY want,,plan on recyling what I DO have...Thanks for sharing,,and thanks so much for all the inspiration I find at your blog.

Terri Steffes said...

Dang that is CUTE! I love it! I want a potting SHED but maybe I could settle for a cute ptting bench! That is adorable!

akawest said...

Free is the best! In our old neighborhood, I found many curbside treasures.

Your potting bench is amazing. Enjoy it as you fill your world with greenery. I loved all of your plant tips in the previous post. Thanks for the sun tip about coleus. That is something that I did not know.

Cyndi said...

I love it! what a cute potting bench and you can't beat the price!

anythinggoeshere said...

cheap is good, but free is the best. Happy thrifty Monday. xo Joan

marmielu said...

That potting bench is so cute! Aren't you smart to put everything together like that. What a great husband too.
Mary Lou

Unknown said...

I love how you transformed the potting bench! It is a true treasure! It's dreamy!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

This is a great project Manuela!

I can't wait to see it finished! My husband does all those kinds of projects for me too! He is a handy guy...I envision it - he can make it!

ExploreColorado said...

It turned out beautifully!!! What a neat way to recycle.

jen said...

That potting bench is so charming and who on earth would throw out a bird bath that looks like that!?


Nichole said...

That potting bench is so darling-great job! The bird bath was an awesome find as well.

Miss G said...

Manuela! What a great transformation! How great that the bench already had hooks and cubbies! So neat! Thanks for sharing with us. Kelly

Barb said...

Hi Manuela, you are one clever lady. I love the potting bench with the sink and the bird bath. Awesome!


Susie Homemaker said... have vision! I love it! Great job!!!!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

You really got lucky getting the bird bath. Great potting bench - you are very creative.

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

What a great makeover! SO great, especially adding in the sink!! This definitely earns a "thrifty find of the month" award, in my opinion!! :) (wouldn't that make a fun award!) LOL!!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love the potting bench! The sink is a fabulous idea. And the birdbath is just too cute as well. I can't believe what some people throw away. Thanks for sharing your thrifty finds.

Linda's Blue Gate said...

How cute...... love the potting bench..... the sink is perfect... sounds like ya'll are a good team..... your hydrangea are show stoppers..... wonderful

joyh82 said...

Awesome find and you have it fixed up great!

Sandra said...

I love love visiting your blog! I am learning so much from you. Love your new potting bench. :)

Angie said...

You are so resourceful! Such a cute and useful piece!

Marie said...

What an imagination you had! The combinations of finds and your husband made a very attractive, useful potting table for you. I love it!

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

Your talent is inspiring Manuela!!! What a wonderful project and great way of making something so beautiful that could have ended up in a landfill. Wow! You have been blesses with creativity! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Jo said...

It's perfect! I will look at old sinks in a whole new way now! I love the colour you painted it, and the brackets.

Rosemary said...

Hi Manuela,
It's the best potting bench ever.
Too cute to use for dirt!!
Great job!

PattieJ said...

That potting bench is adorable!! You're so creative!! Birdbath was a good find too!

Mimi Sue said...

Your potting bench is wonderful. Great job. That blue hydrangea is gorgeous. Mimi

Deb said...

LOVE the potting bench! Very clever indeed. The bird bath is great too.......can't help but love FREE!

Sharon said...


I just love your Potting bench! It is so darling :) Great score on the Bird Bath. I was recently given one and plan to paint it and I just may try mosaic in the bath part of it. Thanks for the inspiration :)

Have a blessed day!


Jennifer said...

Manuela, You are soo creative! What a great project and how useful as well! You are always inspiring me to venture out and try something new and different.

xoxo, Jennifer

Jen Bowles said...

What an awesome project and excellent re-use of materials! Totally inspiring!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I'm catching up on my blog reading, and I'm so glad I saw this. That is absolutely brilliant, and what a change from the way it started out! I can't wait to see it painted. laurie

Carrie said...

That's one pretty and useful potting bench. You did a great job designing it!

Suzanne said...

Wow, I didn't scroll down far enough to see all the work you put into your new potting bench! I love it! I'm going to have to show my husband, lol!