Hi everyone! I know that many of you are just getting ready to plant your veggie gardens and that some of you have another month or so before you can start. So I thought this would be a good time to start talking about companion planting.
Companion planting basically is growing plants together because of the effect they have on one another. For example, in the photo above, I have chives planted under a rose. Chives are supposed to keep aphids away from roses and help with blackspot. I’ve never had either of those problems with this rose, but don’t know if it’s really due to the chives or the variety of rose.
Some would say companion planting is not a proven scientific method, but it’s something people have been doing for a long long time (back to ancient Roman times).
This is the bed that has the most growing right now. So I’ll use it to illustrate companion planting. I’ll have other examples to share as I continue planting my garden.
Onion interplanted with carrots is supposed to reduce carrot fly and thrips. It’s also suppose to protect lettuce against slugs.
Carrots are slow to germinate and the seeds are so teeny tiny that most people plant them with radishes. The radishes mark your row and when they are ready to be pulled up your carrots will have grown enough that you can tell where they are.
Radishes are supposed to attract leafminers away from spinach and because we eat the root (radish) the damage to it’s leaves is unimportant. Those big leafy things are spinach growing next to the onions and radishes with lettuce next to them.
Here’s a site with a fairly comprehensive list of of companion plants to get you started - Companion Planting.
To make the cute garden markers you need a metal stamping kit. I got mine last year through a hardware store that sells online but I can’t remember their name. I think I saw one at Michaels in the Jewelry section. So check there first.
I’ll show you other examples of companion planting as I get my raised beds planted. Here’s my post on How To Make A Raised Bed. There’s more than one way to do it, but this is how I do it.
Remember that what works for one gardener in one area and season may not necessarily work for another. That’s the thing about gardening, a lot of it is learning by trial and error.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Very interesting. Of course, our gardens are already planted, for now.
And I'm glad you mentioned the cute markers made out of utensils because I was going to ask if you didn't!
You really are the best! I have to do those spoon markers this year! I found the letters on Amazon, but I will definitely check Michael's first!
I love the garden markers. Thanks for that gem of a tip
Love those garden markers and also your garden beds. So glad you are talking about companion planting. It used to be a popular subject in the 70's gardening journals but I haven't heard too much about it since. Garden beds are the only way to go. Mine were covered in snow today! Blessings Meg
Oh I'll look for that metal stamping kit. I so remember them from last season. Very interesting topic today. I don't plant enough to worry about except for chives and roses. That I find very interesting and will attempt to transfer some of my chives to under the rosebush just to see. Thanks!
Manuela--such a wonderful reminder to me about companion planting--I love doing that--but forgot last year! Thanks for reminding me as we're about to start our planting!
AND oh, my! What a fabulous idea for plant markers! I love them! Thanks for all the tips and great photos--hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I'm in love with your garden! I especially adore the spoon markers- great idea!!
I will be planting my garden next week-end in my wonderful raised beds, thanks to you!!!!
Thanks for all of the helpful tips Manuela! What a coincidence regarding the plant markers. I just ordered my metal stamps and they should be arriving here any day. Can't decide if I should use spoons or knives. Looking forward to watching your garden grow!
I just love those garden markers. I was going to get some of those stamps to bring to Paraguay, but I didn't because I didn't think I could get the other supplies here. Seeing your spoons makes me really regret that decision! They are so charming!
I hope you have a great weekend!
What a great post! I use companion planting as well and find it keeps everyone in my garden healthy and happy in their little raised beds. I love the garden markers... I'm inspired by your post to make some of my own with the sets of metal stamps I have.
Up at the Biltmore house in Asheville, NC, they have their gardens open to show the different types of beds and various planting methods. Companion planting was one of their set-ups last summer and I was quite fascinated with it.
I'll be interested to see how you work it all out for you, especially since we live in the same "zone".
Thanks for reminding me it's time to go to lowes and buy a bunch of healthy looking herbs and flowers,so I can bring them home and kill them by the end of the month..he he...I don't plan it, it just happens. Wish I had more of a green thumb. I will buy a bunch of basil...I can usually keep it alive!
I don't have a garden, but that is the cutest thing ever! =]
I am an avid reader of your blog and I believe that you had posted about your metal stamp kit being purchased from Harbor Freight. I bought mine from there and love it!
thanks for all the information. I won't be planting until the fall--just too hot in FL for a summer garden-but I'll check into your gardening posts then. In the meantime I might get busy with some "garden markers". That is a wonderful idea. You are so creative.
Thanks for sharing this information on companion gardening. My spring garden in already in place, but I will keep this info in mind for the next planting.
Your garden markers are so cute. I'm going to have to look into that kit next time I'm at Michael's.
I love this post, we are just starting to plan what will go into the raised garden this year. Last year was our first year and we had a learning curve. We have lettuce in now with a cold frame all else will have to wait another 4 weeks. I also love your markers and will be on the lookout for a metal stamp kit and some old silverware - what a cute idea.
Thank you for this fun post and have a great weekend.
Sigh... I love those markers. I think I will be on the lookout for old silverware during my garage sale hunts this year!
I am intrigued by your companion gardening. I am doing a post on my herbs either today or tomorrow.
What a fantastic post! I can't wait to get my garden started...I'm still about a month off.
I love how you metal-stamped silverware - so, so clever!
Your garden is off to such a lovely start. The markers are so charming. Companion planting is something I have done for many years now, and the real reason is I love the way marigolds, tomatoes and basil look together. Petunias and green beans look fabulous too! It's supposed to keep certain bugs away, and thats why I tried it the first time, but after I saw how pretty it made the veggie garden I was hooked!
I also remember that you purchased your metal stamps from Harbor Freight. At the next time I thought the next time I'm near their store I need to get a set. I guess this will motivate me to finally do it!
kstewart1127 at gmail dot com
I didn't remember that you got your metal punching set at Harbor Freight, but I would certainly recommend shopping there if one is in your neck of the woods. They have great storage containers and some cute yard ornaments too. And the prices are so much better than Michaels. Be sure to check their website for coupons. No affliation, just a very happy customer!
SO cute Manuela! So funny -- I made those this weekend too! I got my metal stamps through ebay. Your markers are very cute!
What an interesting post! Thanks very much for sharing that information. It will come in handy.
I'm looking forward to more on companion planting. I've heard something about marigolds and veggies, but I can't remember exactly what. We just finished our raised beds, filled them with compost, etc. and I started planting them today. Such fun! Hubs and I are both really excited about this. Here's to a successful garden!
Manuela, that is very interesting and helpful info. The only thing I knew is that marigolds are good to plant around the garden and keep away bugs. Oh, the markers are just precious! Linda
Great topic. I have only heard to grow Marigolds with tomatoes for bug control but that is all I know. Thanks for this and I will investigate further. And, the markers are too cute. I might have to try them too. Thanks!
Ahhhh, those are the coolest markers I've ever seen. They look so amazing!
Hmmm...thanks for the great info. And I love the plant markers, I was wondering how you did that!
Enjoy your weekend!
You're just full of useful, good information! You've taught me something new today. But then, you typically do!
Such a great idea. We have to wait until the middle of May around here so I'll give it a try. I got my metal stamper things at Harbor Freight last year. Mimi
Very interesting post, and thank you for the link to the companion planting site. I'm pleased to note that I accidentally planted many of these items together this year!
Oh My Goodness! How do you come up with this stuff? Those markers are so cute! laurie
Love the little garden markers. I got my metal letter stamps at Harbor
Freight if you have one near you.
Your garden is sweet as well. Thanks for the companion planting info.
This is something we are planning to try this year, and see what the results are, LOVE your stamping!!
I stopped by to peek at your garden silverware and ended up with a great lesson on planting. Thanks!
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