Monday, May 17, 2010

My To Do List For This Week

Well…some of this weeks to do list. Like everyone else I have normal house things to do and there’s always lots to do in the garden!


Paint these mirrors that I got at Goodwill.


Take these down and replace with new mirrors.


Done! I’ll show you the whole thing when I’m finished with the entire foyer.


Prime halltree I got at Goodwill last winter.


Done! Now all I have to do is paint it….red…or maybe yellow? Nah, I think red!
Plus a little kitchen project and I have to plant my herbs on my deck.

Let’s see what I can get done by Wednesday! Care to join me? What's on your to do list for this week?


Amy said...

You are going to have a busy week. I am getting stuff put away and organized. This is Bri's last week of school. So I am also getting projects together for us to do and I bought a chore chart.

Plus tend to my garden!!!

Have a blessed day.

Beeutiful by Design said...

Everything looks great - you are so motivated! My husband is running for county judge executive and tomorrow's the election so we're just chilling the rest of the week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the beautiful mirrors! I need to find some to group on a wall in my bedroom! So romantic! ♥ I'm cleaning now...but hope to get back to sewing later today! ♥

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I am so inspired...I am going to get to work on some projects! Can't wait to see your finished work!


Nadine said...

The regular household chores, homeschooling the kids, and if the rain holds off...gardening!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I have one of those oak hall trees, Manuela! Unfortunately {or fortunately, depending on how you look at it} there is wood fretwork on the top portion, although I could probably fit newspaper between it and the mirror to paint it. Hmmm. Now you've got me thinking I may be able to paint it after all! I'll wait and see yours before I add this to any "to do" list. : )

I'm curious about the mirrors now after seeing your sneak peek pictures. Love those tranferware dog image plates.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am tending to "necessities" the next several days - nothing exciting.
Looking forward to seeing your finished projects.
Enjoy your week.

Angela said...

What you just did, I STILL have to do,lol. I have quite a few mirrors and a cabinet I need to get painted....Hopefully this week. You kinda spurred me on with this post.

Mary Ellen said...

Just the usual for me this week. Hoping to squeeze in some time to work on the painting projects I started over the weekend.

Love, love, love the mirrors! Thanks for answering my strawberry question :)

Mary Ellen

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Housework of course and I am working on another project as we speak. I am sweating from sanding. Can't wait to see those mirrors painted.

Love the Decor! said...

i always love to see your projects!!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Manuela! Those mirrors were a great find and I'm excited to see all of them painted and in place! I've got tons of garden work to do as we've had storms and rain off and on for the past couple of weeks but the bad weather isn't over yet so I'm stuck inside for now. I have housework to do..laundry...dusting and I need to clean the chicken coop and move the young hens over to the 'big chicken' coop this week but first we need to fix the fence..sigh. Oh well...that's life! I hope you've been having a wonderful day. Take care....Maura:)

Heathahlee said...

Love that hall tree! I need something like that so I have another spot to hang a tassel from! :D

Anonymous said...

Love those mirrors and I can't wait to see what you do with the hall tree.

trish said...

You always know how to make your home look so fresh and pretty! :o) I am loving your painted mirrors and even bought a can of turqouise paint! :o)
Have a great week.
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Roses and Lilacs said...

That hall tree will look great in red. I don't know why I never find good deals like that. I did find a wonderful vase at one of our thrift stores a few weeks ago.

Marianne said...

this isn't fair! You are posting your list after you have done most of it already! Are you like me, making lists and then adding things after you have done them, just so you can have the satisfaction of crossing them off again!?
Looks like you are on a roll. You go girl, go!!

Vera @ Cozy Little Cabin said...

Lovely to-do list!!!! I can't wait to see your finished projects, but in the meantime will you share what vitamins you take? I'd love to have your energy!!!!

Sportsgirl said...

Gosh I have so much I want to do this week. I'm actually on leave so I have time to do it. I need to plant my herbs also, except for the windowsill inside because it's late Autumn here. I also want to start and finish sewing my dress.

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

To Do:
Download everything From laptop to portable hard-drive
Ship off goofing-up laptop to "computer hospital"
See shoulder specialist in Columbus
Cut out skirt (Mrs. Procrastin8r)
Write May letters to girls
Take a daily walk-- don't forget umbrella
Catch-upon my blogging

Tanya said...

Love those mirrors and WOW that hall tree, what a find. Can't wait to see it finished. What about black? :)

Konnie said...

Yes Red definitly,and love the new mirrors.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Don't you just love a great find like that. I love how you color things and then use them in your home. Love that hall tree too!


Julie Harward said...

I can't wait to see all your to do's done! Mine are to get a baby quilt finished and get the baby shower ready! Have a good one and come say hi :D

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Great find Manuela, with the hall tree! Of course I think it will look fantastic in red!

Much of my busy stuff is done, 2 birthdays, a baby shower that I hosted, and we have finished school as of today! Over the weekend I made myself a skirt and an apron.

I always having sewing I want to do, and I have some rooms to repaint this summer! Busy times but fun!

Suzann said...

Your list is much more fun than mine.

Jennifer said...

Your week sounds much more productive than mine which consists of partying. It's soccer, 18th birthday, wedding, graduation, etc.... I'll be ready for good old adult girl time when it s all done!

Have a great week!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Looks like you have some amazing projects in the works! Can't wait to see them all finished.

Let's see....I am working in the backyard....still.

I have a couple of mosaic pieces I am doing on commission.

We have to hang a mammouth chandelier in the great room.

I know there is more, but my busy brain is blocking it out :-)

Lisa said...

Those mirrors are going to look so great! I love the different shapes and sizes and how they all compliment each other!

This week I want to continue to work on painting my craft room. Once that's done, I can get started decorating and accessorizing (thrift store, here I come!)

PattieJ said...

LOVE those mirrors!! I want to paint a collection of mirrors for my livingroom wall so bad.. but have not had any luck finding enough of them, I have 2 but need at least 3 to get the collection going... That hall tree is going to look awesome painted!

Anonymous said...

Hi Manuela! Oh, honey, you're wearing me out with all your projects! You must be taking some powerful vitamins too. :)
I love all your projects and what you've done. Can't wait to see your reveal. Everything you do is amazing! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Erin | Bygone Living said...

I love the halltree... beautiful!

Kristi said...

I LOVE all your goodies!!! I have the mirror in the middle, LOL! And I got mine at Goodwill too! And your halltree is such an AWESOME find! Can't wait to see it in your beautiful home! :)

Paula@SweetPea said...

You have a busy week ahead of you. Good luck with your projects!

I'm hosting a retirement party after school on Wednesday. My only focus until then is getting ready!!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

OK, Manuela, I think I'll go make my list now. Good inspiration. Linda

Richella Parham said...

What a good idea. I have a miles-long list this week. . .I need to get it out of my head and onto paper so that I can start checking things off!

Julie said...

My week doesn't start tell Thursday because I work three tens Monday to Wednesday. But I do have alot planed and one is to move my herb garden from the front of the house to my new garden in the back closer to my kitchen!

Melissa Miller said...

Beautiful Manuela! I do love the mirrors in red. I want to see more!

Thanks for your understanding and support of my weight loss. I'm sure some were wondering how eleven pounds tranlates to two sizes but I know you get that.
The hardest part of it all has been this long plateau. I'm still working on it though!

Have a great day! ~Melissa :)

Melanie said...

You have got a big to do list this week. It is raining and cold here and I am not motivated so I will just wait to see what all you get done:)

My Cozy Cubby said...

You have such luck at finding thrifty mirrors! I've yet to find a single one! The hall tree is looking better already! Can't wait to see the finished product!


Gypsy Heart said...

Quite a list you have! I can't wait to see the hall tree finished. I love red!

Brightest blessings ~

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I must get around to dusting this house. Or at least vacuum. You find the cutest mirrors! I'm thinking after seeing yours I shall have to paint my garage sale mirror red after all. Which probably means going to the store for spray paint...

Kerrie said...

Everything is so beautiful!

Angie said...

I can't wait to see the hall tree all painted and I love the green frames! Good luck getting all your projects done.

Rochelle said...

The color RED is a good choice! I love that hall tree you have!
Happy painting...

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Oh, Manuela, you make me feel downright lazy!! Well, I did babysit my Very active 16 mo. old today.LOL

Thanks for stopping by and entering my little giveaway ~ good luck to you!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Suzanne said...

Oh my! You are busy, busy...I love that hall tree, can't wait to see it when you finish painting it.
On my "to-do" list? Just getting through the next two weeks of school! :)

Pamela said...

Loving those mirrors!