Hi everyone! Hope you all had a fun and safe New Year's Eve.The New Year always feels likes such an exciting time to me – full of hope for what’s to come. All those blank calendar pages waiting to be filled!
It also seems like the ideal time to start something new doesn’t it? Maybe it’s a resolve to exercise more or maybe learn to knit/bake bread/sew etc. Or maybe you’ve decided this is the year of doing less. Just because it’s a New Year doesn’t mean you have to add more things – you can take away :)
This year I’m not making any “resolutions” or “goals”. This year I’m going to focus on a “Word of the Year”. My word for this year is “Organize”. As we get to the final countdown of listing this house, coordinating projects and decluttering will be top priorities. Then finding another place to live, the logistics of moving, setting up home in a smaller space (we are downsizing) and everything that comes with moving to a new place will be next. I think being organized will go a loooong way to making everything run more smoothly and hopefully result in less stress for us all (especially me since it’s up to me to make sure it all happens)!
For the last two years I’ve given away Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover because I believe in his system - I know it works! But this year I’ve decided to give away Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider. She writes the Simple Mom Blog. A really wonderful blog that for some reason is new to me (so many blogs so little time).
All you have to do is leave a (one) comment on this post to be entered. You have until Tuesday night to do so. Unfortunately finances are tight with all this remodeling work that we are doing and I can only ship to the U.S. The winner, chosen randomly, will be announced Wednesday. Both TMMO and the give away book are in my Amazon widget on the sidebar if you’d like to read more about them.
Thank you all for reading this blog - without you it wouldn't be half as much fun! Happy New Year and have a great weekend!
*******Thanks to everyone that entered. This give away is now closed. Check back tomorrow for the winner!****
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the book! Happy New Year, and many organized days ahead!
I would love to win the book "Organized Simplicity". I enjoy your blog.
Thanks so much for doing a giveaway; it's a book I'd love to read!
Happy New Year!
Oooh, I love books! And, I'm organizationally challenged, so that book sounds wonderful to me! Please enter me!
Manuela, thanks for offering this wonderful book. I wish you much organization in the upcoming year and move.
I could really use this book-my goal for this year is to live intentionally- that means getting this house organized and simplified so I can enjoy my children and my husband and spend my hours serving others!
Happy New Year!! I hope 2011 is a great one for you!
I'd love to win this book too. I'm one of the most disorganized persons on the planet. Happy New Year. Hope your home sells quickly and your move runs smoothly. Hugs
Simplify is my homemaking goal for this year-quite a challenge with two toddlers! I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win it!
I could use some organized simplicity right now! My goal for the next two weeks is to declutter and organize my home office/craftroom/sewing studio and figure out some good systems for keeping it up better. The way it's set up now isn't working well (and I must make myself put things away sooner!).
Thank you for the way you continue to post when you have a chance. I thought of you yesterday when I saw some red toile placemats and napkins at Tuesday Morning.
I found your blog via Homemaking Dreams. I'll definitely be reading more.
I would love to win the book, Organized Simplicity. I'm always looking for good organization ideas.
Happy New Year!
My goal for this year also--organize and simplify. Thank you for the chance to win this great book..
I'm in the same organizing/downsizing & relocating/moving boat as you... as scary as it is I'm so excited. Good luck to you Manuela! Your blog is awesome. Happy 2011 !!!
Hello My Sweet Friend
Just popping by to wish you a very happy and "organized" New Year!
Thanks so much for all the inspiration this year!
Just popping in to say Happy New Year!!
This will be my year to get re-organized...a decade of pain and surgery and isolation has left me with a home I've lost control of. This year, back in the saddle!
I like everyone else plan to get organizes this year,to live more frugal and more meaningful. Happy New Year!
I'm looking forward to all your organizing ideas! The book will be a great start.
Looks like a great book -- took a look at her blog and subscribed. I recently read Wanda Urbanska's book "7 steps to the Heart of Simplicity" (or something like that), which I found very affirming and inspiring.
Happy New Year, Manuela, the year of Organizing! :) I haven't gotten my "word of the year" yet...but I'm thinking about it! :)
Happy New Year. Please eneter me in the give away. This would be the perfect book for me!! All we have is clutter and I have to clean the entire house before my cousin-in-law comes to stay!
Happy new year Manuela
I am spending the day organizing, so that book would come in handy today!
Happy New Year! We live in a small house and I definitely need some organizing ideas. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
Your speaking to my organized heart.
Would love to win.
Happy New Year! I would love to win that book!
Happy New Year and Thanks for the chance to win
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
HNY and thank you for a chance to win.....
Wow, perfect book for this time of year! I am planning a big declutter this month so this would be so welcome. Thank you for doing this! Dee
Just found your great blog and have enjoyed reading through it! Thanks for the giveaway!
How nice of you to offer this book as a giveaway item. I also have a really hard time with clutter and organization. I wish you much success in purging your clutter this 2011!
Happy New year "organize" was my word for last year. My word this year is "Complacent" something that will not happen this year!
What a great book, Manuela! Please enter me!
Happy New Year!
I'm going to take all my clutter to the basement and hopefully get my life sorted! :)
Oh I would love a chance to win this book.....Thanks
Simply is my word of 2011. I know this book would surely help.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! Preparing a house to list for sale is tough work! I just went through it 6 months ago...decluttered, removed excess decor, etc. Unfortunately, the house is still up for sale and I'm slowly bringing back in my treasures haha! I am on an organizing kick though...would love to own that book! So sweet of you to do a giveaway! Good luck getting your home ready - and good luck selling it : )
I'm right there with you sister! Thanks for the chance to win a great book. May God bless you in the New Year!
My one word would be "IMPROVE." I was already thinking about this when your post came up. I am not a fan of resolutions. I feel they set you up for failure. So, improve is what I hope to do this year. Improve upon the things I already do....my faith, my patience, my diet, my time and etc. Thanks for offering this book. I would love a cahnce to win it.
I really like the word of the year concept. I have done that for a few years. (Last year was "Yes".) I haven't pin pointed this year's yet, though "Organize" would be a great one for me!
Sounds like we both picked the same word for this year. Organize is #2 on my list this year. (#1 is to enjoy the beach more.)
I've been eyeing this book after hearing about it on other blogs. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
Thank you for another great book giveaway.
Looking forward to "organizing with you" in the new year.
You are so sweet. We are doing the Dave Ramsey plan right now. We actually paid off a credit card right before Christmas. What a blessing to share with people. I hope to do the same one day as well. Happy New Year.
This book sounds great!! I would love to read some other thoughts and ideas about organization!
I love new ideas on how to get organized! Thanks for this lovely giveaway
This book is on my wish list. Thanks for the chance.
I love seeing your posts in my reader!
I am in the midst of a major overhaul right now.......so any help is appreciated! I think this book would provide great ideas and something inspirational to read with a cuppa tea for me.
{[hugs}} to you,
Happy New Year...the year to be organized!
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance.
I love that blog and have wanted to read her new book.
Happy New Year! Typing one handed, because of my surgery...wanted to enter your sweet giveaway.
Happy New Year Manuella! I've not really been participating in giveaways too much lately, but that is one book that I would like to have (:
Thanks for the chance to win that lovely book. Have a wonderful New Year!
I love your word of the year. I may just heed that myself. I know I'll be checking my area for that book and will be checking out the link!
Thanks Manuela from a CDN who can't be entered...but that's ok, I respect your choice. Good Luck everyone else!
Oooh, I've wanted this book for a while! I'd love to win it! :)
Wow, I so need "organize" to be my word this year as well! I would love to win the book - thanks for a great giveaway!!!
I've been on an organizing/reorganizing kick the past few days. I'm sure that I could get some much needed tips from this book.
happy new year to you ! my word last year was "nest" and I think for 2011 it will be "frugal"
thank you for hosting this
I also need to get organized. I started working on my craft/sewing area yesterday. It blew up during the Christmas gift making season. Happy New Year!
2011 is my year for getting organized, once and for all. I am always looking for ideas to simplify my life.
Hope you have a blessed New Year!
Sounds like perfect advise for me in the new year!! Organizing is at the top of my list!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
I just got on the Dave Ramsey band wagon and am working hard on my debt snowball. I have looked at that book online but can't get Dave to agree to it. Would love to win it. Have a great New Year!
Oh, you know how much I love to organize! I don't envy you the packing and moving. But starting anew, that's always fun. Downsizing is a good idea, no matter what age you happen to be. Been there, done that. And happy to have done so! Happy New Year!
That is just the kind of book I need right now! :) My goal for 2011 is to learn more homemaking skills.
Thanks for a chance to win this book. Happy New Year and Happy Organizing!!
I want you to know how much I have enjoyed your blog and your friendship this last year.
You can't enter my name in the giveaway, I live in Canada, but I could probably use that book. Maybe I can find it at my library.
I hope your first day of 2011 was wonderful!
Love and hugs, Cindy
Happy New Year Manuela!! :o)
Thank you for such a generous give a way.
I really like your word for the year, I think I need a phrase to cover my focus, "one day at a time". :o) Or "one thing at a time". :o)
Sincerely - Trish
Ooooh, I would love to read it! I am already in organize mode and I need all the help I can get!! :-)
I'm with ya....I soooo need to get organized this year!! Thanks so much for your giveaway. Happy 2011!!
I would love to win this book! Organizing and simplifying is the one goal I hope to accomplish this year.
Organizing and Simplifying seem to be the key words of the year!
Wow, I have been really interested in seeing this book, but even if I don't win, thanks for pointing me to the blog. It's new to me too! Happy New Year Manuela!
Count me in, Manuela!
I believe in the Dave Ramsey philosophies too. Was practicing them even before I discovered him but he, of course, is the guru. So I've learned a lot from him too. The book 'Organized Simplicity' sounds great too. Finances are only one aspect of our lives. I would love to have a Dave-Ramsey-Level-of-Control over some of the other aspects!
All the best to you and yours for the New Year!
What a great giveaway! I would love to have this book! I'm going to check out her blog now.
Thrifty Decor Mom
I'm going to try to be more organized as well this year! I don't usually make resolutions, not because I'm opposed to them... the beginning of a new year to me just doesn't seem like anything ending or beginning..just a continuation on.
But.. I do want to be more organized so... I guess I have kinda resolved to do something.. haven't I? ;)
Good luck to everyone on the giveaway! (I'm in Canada so.. taking myself out of the mix!)
Good luck with all you have to do to get ready for your move. :)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Manuela! Wishing you and your dear ones the best this year can bring - and a smooth transition from your home to a new one. The word that keeps coming to mind for me is 'simplicity'! I've even looked at this book online and thought, perhaps, I should get it. I'd love to have it. I, too, am starting to organize, simplify and prepare for whatever comes in eighteen months to two years when my sweetheart retires.
Organization is one of my goals for this new year also. This looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Those two words sound so nice right now. Thanks for the chance. Blessings, Debbie
Happy New Year! One of my goals is to get organized too.
I would love to win that book. It seems that the older I get, the less organized I become!!
I just found your delightful homemaking blog. Your blog is inspirational. I look forward to reading about and seeing more of your ideas.
Please enter me in the book give-away. Thanks!
Happy New Year Manuela!!!! Thank you for this opportunity!!! God Bless you and yours!!
I think your word for the year is a brilliant idea!!! I have never been big on resolutions, but the organization will be something I HAVE to do before I lose my mind! The book looks like it would be a good kick in the pants to get started!!! Thanks, Manuela!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. A family of six can always use more ideas on organization:)
That's a good word...wish I had thought of it! My word for 2011 is delight. I don't delight enough in the everyday, simple things. It's time to stop and smell the roses for me (and it wouldn't hurt to be more organized, lol).
Organized simplicity. I need it!
Please enter me in your drawing! My contact info is aiketgate88 (at) aol (dot) com
Organized Simplicity sounds like a great book - and one I need to read! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that your giveaway rules are simple!
Happy New Year!!
Looks as if there are more than just a few of us who might need this book!! Thanks for the opportunity, Manuela. ~ Sue
What a great book to own. I would love it. Thanks for the chance.
Happy New Year.
I usually don't enter because I never win these things, but this looks like a book I could use!
Thanks for doing this giveaway! I would love to get this book, since I also am wanting to focus on getting organized this year.
Organize is a great focus! Looks like a helpful book! :)
Looks like a terrific book. Happy New Year.
Hi! Wow I would love this book! There is something about organizing that gives me butterflies!
I definitely need help organizing my home.
Ohh fun! Thank you! :) I haven't entered a giveaway in a long time and I'm feeling lucky today...so I'm in. I bought this book for my Mom for Christmas and wanted to keep it. It looks really good. <3 Happy New Year.
Happy New Year!
I would love to win your giveaway book. My goal in 2011 is to become organized!
What an awesome giveaway. I'd love to be included especially starting my year with simplifying and decluttering. Thanks, Manuela, you're always so inspiring!
Marilyn in NM
I would love to win! I live simply and surely need to be more organized.
What a timely giveaway! It appears to be a very lovely book and I would love to win!
Sounds Great Manuela...Simplicity....simplify...Simple...I like that word in so many forms!!!! a good one for a new year. Rah! Hugs....thanks for the giveaway once again!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year! :)
Manuela: My word of the year is purpose/intent (Two words actually, but one meaning!)and opportunities have already been revealed which is exiting and reaffirming. I'm so glad that you'll be staying in the area because I'm really looking forward to having an opportunity to watch you create something new and beautiful from the very beginning in your new home. We downsized recently and it is both challenging and freeing. I am actually relishing in being able to keep up with my little house. Believing good things for you and yours in 2011, Destiny
Happy New Year, Manuela! May year time of transition also be a year of great blessings for you and your family.
I would like very much to read that book. Hope I win! :)
I would love to win this book as I too believe organization is the key to making all of us(moms,wifes,friends,sisters,employees,etc.)run much easier in this sometimes crazy journey as women.
What a wonderful thing to give away! It always feels so good to take a fresh look and organizing, finances etc...with the start of a new year. I would love to have my name added into the drawing. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Great book to start the year! Thank you for the opportunity!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to receive this book. I think that it is an excellent idea for 2011. As I commented in another post we moved into our new home in July and I am still trying to get organized. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks!!!
I haven't seen this one before but it looks terrific and like just what I need for a fresh start for the new year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you! Best wishes on your home sale and upcoming move! Organization goes hand in hand with downsizing!
I'm always interested in organizing all my stuff! Thanks for the giveaway.
I really enjoy your blog. I'd love to have this book. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Your blog has been a source of ongoing inspiration for me and I'm grateful. I struggle with organization and it seems that just when I have one area "under control", I find another pressing need. It is an ongoing pursuit! Thanks for offering the great prize and best wishes as you prepare to list your home and relocate your family. I know your new place will be warm and welcoming and a source of new inspiration!
just want to tell you that i love your blog! i could really use this book....i need to do lots of organizing (and i'm sure it would help out)
I thinkI am going to adopt your word too. Organize.....that feels so good to say.
Sounds amazing Hope its me :) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE
Just looking at the cover makes me want to get organized! Looking forward to a great year.
sounds as though we have similiar days ahead. I am counting down the days until the PODS arrives for me to begin the declutter process to get ready for sale, then the house hunt, and move. I think this book may be just what I need too... and I love Simple Mom!
What a generous giveaway. It would definitely get alot of use from me.
What an awesome book!! Id love to win it!!
meterr70 AT gmail DOT com
Manuela, the book title is perfect. Perfect goal for my New Year! Happy New Year to you!
Being married 50 years I've collected and gathered lots of 'stuff' along the way that's wearing me down. This year I want to de-clutter and pare down.
This book seems to be a step in the right direction...
Thank you...Betty @ Country Charm
I always find inspiration at your blog and appreciate that it is in a southern location like me! Thanks for the opportunity and best wishes in all this new year - especially selling your house.
hi manuela,
you have a wonderful blog.i hope you have had a wonderful new year start.
have a wonderful week,
hugs regina
Oh goodness, I'm SO BEHIND in blog reading that I almost missed this and I completely missed your year end review.
It's always good to see a post from you.
ORGANIZE is a key word around here too.
Par down is mine, as a new bride at 43 with a new groom at 45 we have a lot of stuff to combine and organize
Amy Amykins66@yahoo.com
I could really use this book...hope I win!!
I will get organized this year !
Thanks for the great give away.
Thank you for all your time and effort. You have helped inspire me and i am in love with the word for the year. There is nothing like a house of order to Help put peace in your soul. :)
Happy New Year, Manuela! I'd love to win the book - I'm sure it would help me. Love your blog!
I really need this book! :)
I am so unorganized but dream of closets that are perfectly organized like the blogs I read.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Deb M.
Here is my comment to be included in the drawing! I love your blog and that's an Organizational Fact!
Happy New Year, Manuela! What a great giveaway ~ please enter me.
This sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks so much for your consideration and your generosity!
I just found your blog today and I already love it! The book looks very helpful for a fresh start for the new year.
Boy, the last two years my house has fallen into chaos, so I could really use this book! I've not seen the Simple Mom blog before, so I'm eager to put it on my reader list.
Happy New Year from Texas! I'm on the same track as you, I think. Organizing. is. my. middle.name
The new year is a perfect opportunity to start organizing ... again! This looks like a terrific book - hope I win! Happy New Year! Joanne @ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
I've heard great things about this book - it's been on my "rent it from the library" list. It would be so fun to win. Thanks for the chance!
I hope reading this book helps get one organized!!! The cover looks lovely. Thanks for this wonderful offer. Karen
I tried to get this book through my library, but they said it was "too new!" So I would LOVE to win a copy! Thanks for giving me a chance.
Anna Belle
What a great book! And the perfect time of the year for this particular blessing! Thank you!
Organizing is going to be one of the top "things to do" for me this year. I have a sewing/craft room that I really want to organize and update into a Happy Place to Be. Many more areas could be more organized so the book looks good to me! Thanks for your kind giveaway.
So sweet of you to give this away. I can't resist a book!
Hi Manuela,
Hmmm - this is the first year of my life that I have made a New Year's resolution: 2011 will be the year I build my strength (and thus be able to serve better). Relaxing with a book with pretty pictures could serve this goal as much as actually organizing this busy household of mine would help!
Thanks for the give-away, it is fun to play with "what winning would feel like".
Not envying you your move - hope it goes well for you and your family!
Looks like a great book, Manuela! Thanks for offering it!
Ooooo...please, please enter my name! This book looks awesome...and I need some help organizing, that's for sure :)
Smiles, DianeM
I would love a copy of the book! I am also trying to downsize. We aren't moving. We just live in a small house and have too much stuff!!! :o)
Nicole in MD
My word for this year is Simplify. I would love to win this book!
I just recently found the blog Simple Mom too! I absolutely love it! I didn't know she had written a book! Two of my new year's resolutions are to simplify and live intentionally. Organization is such a big part of both of those!
This book seems to be written for me! I'll be checking out her blog too.
Oh this book looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway!
Great book to giveaway!
My word is FOCUS..and all that come with is ..such as simplify, slow down..enjoy..gratitude..smile and FOCUS! Happy ALL year to you & yours!
I could really use this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
woo hoo. need this for my disorganized life. I chose BALANCE as my word of the year. thanks for the opportunity. wquinps1@cox.net
OOO, what a great book. I would love to win this. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I chose FAITHFULNESS for my word this year. I need to be more faithful reading my bible, attending church, learning more at Bible Study....If I can get THIS part of my life going right, I can do anything else that comes along.:)
xo bj
Hi Manuela, I'm here to wish you a very Happy New Year! I've missed your posts and glad to see you. Enjoy your week. Your word for the year "organize" is what I'm doing right now.:) Take care.
Thank you so much for the chance to win! I would LOVE to be more organized.....
Please enter me.
Kristen Smith
I have been eyeballing this book, hoping to purchase it when finances allowed. It would be great to win it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jessica P.
I would love to win this book! I live in a small house, and love the challenge of finding new ways to organize things. I hide lots of things in the open because I have almost no closets or cabinets for that matter. But I love my small home. Cozy and easier to clean!
You have such a knack with decorating! Even your display of your give-a-way book looks so pleasing to the eye! :) Why I love to come and visit!
Love Tsh! I heard her speak last year at Blissdom and I would love to win this!!
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