Little things like…the morning sunlight shining through my favorite drapes
a pretty vintage tea towel
fresh sheets on the bed
Blooming bulbs! Did you force any bulbs? I did two pots of Narcissus. (You “old timers” – notice anything different about my deck?)
I know some people don’t care for the smell of paperwhites but I love it! Every Christmas Target sells various containers of the bulbs and I always buy some at the after season sale (they’re pre-chilled and most of them have already started sprouting by then). Makes it easy to force bulbs cause all the work is done for you!
a bottle of moisturizing handwash with a pretty label that brightens the sink area (I always buy them at TJMaxx – they have an unusual selection and they’re not expensive)
Happiness is…..finding the first bits of green in the garden after a long, cold, (very cold for Atlanta) winter! Is spring here? Now that would make me very very happy!
Those are just a few little things that make me happy!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Oh all so beautiful... thank you for sharing.
Very pretty and happy things! They make one so thankful. Hard to believe the weekend is almost here!
I see that you have painted over your harlequin squares on the deck...I am happy to see signs of spring!
Oh, how I wish spring were here! I have never forced bulbs, but looking at your bulbs reminds me of spring and bring me a smile...much needed after more snow last night and more on the way tonight.
Thanks for sharing your happiness with us :)
Happiness is a visit to your house Manuela. It always looks so beautiful and inviting. I will have to remember about the paperwhites. We don't do bulbs much here on the beach.
Thank you for a delightful visit.
wonderful things, I love sunlight shining through my bedroom window and ooooh how I can't wait for the first green in spring. (long time off here) rhubarb is usually the first thing up here!
Very nice! I only wish Spring was here!
All of a sudden, I'm feeling very happy, thanks to you.:) Have a great Friday.
wonderful pictures! They all make me excited about spring! :)
I love visiting your site. Your home is so lovely! I haven't ever forced bulbs either. I might need to try this next year to bring some spring inside early. Here in Illinois we can be sure that Spring won't arrive for sure until the end of March....but more like after Easter before you can count out snow and frost. :(
Those are all wonderful things Manuela. Thank you for sharing. I think the curtain and pillow cases you showed were absolutely beautiful! I too will gladly welcome the spring because we've been getting snow back to back here in Wisconsin. However, now that I think about it, we usually get snow in the Spring too. So I guess I'm ready for Summer!
I wish I could see signs of spring! All I see outside is about 3 feet of snow. :(
Oh...I'm a new reader BTW :)
I am forcing an is just popping open with bits of its velvety red showing itself.
thank you for sharing your happiness with me. Buried under two fresh fallen feet of is a delight to my soul.
mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted
Lovely signs of spring me hope LOL!
Your home is always a happy place, Manuela. I am still waiting for my paper whites to bloom. I think one of them is going to bud soon, but the other two just keep getting taller! I want to see tulips and crocus in the garden soon. Midwestern winters can be brutal. DID you paint the decking boards?
So Beautiful I love toile. It never goes out of style. Love your blog.!
Beautiful painted your deck! :)
Hi manuela,I love visiting your blog,your home is so beautiful the curtain and pillow cases are beautiful toile.
thank you for sharing!!
So pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Those photos made me happy too. Thanks!
Beautiful, as always. :-)
I don't know, did you do something different with the deck?
Beautiful drapes, love the tea towel and yummy fresh sheets make me happy too! I am a TJMaxx shopper and love the colorful varieties in the soaps and lotions!
Have a great weekend Mauela, HUGS!
Hello my sweet friend. So glad that we can all smile and take joy in the little things.
Wishing spring were right around our corner. We just got dumped with 16+ inches of snow yesterday.
Enjoy your day!
You know you're a woman whose heart is at home when these things make you happy, and I am one of those women too:>) Do you really have things coming up in the garden!? Oh I think I want to live where you do:>)
Love the deck - that fresh paint looks so crisp! And those pillowcases are going to cause me to have to run to Ross first thing this morning to buy another set so I can copycat you. I have been itching to put some large rickrack on the edge of a sheet, too. See you have inspired another project! I love haing clever blog friends like you :))) Have a great weekend Manuela!
Good Morning Manuela,
Each happy you listed would be on my list as well ... we are in the south too and expecting some warmer temps tomorrow and guess what I will be doing ... hanging towels and linen on the line to dry. :o) I practically skip to the line, because I know how wonderful they will smell when dry. :o)
Have a lovely weekend.
Sincerely, Trish
Your deck is no longer sporting harlequin checks!! Love the sun shining into your home. I can't believe you have green already. I have to go outside and look around. I think our green is still a month or two away.
Yes, I agree!! ALl beautiful things! I too love fresh linens on the bed especially if they have been dried in the summer sun. I love the toils pattern in the first photo especially!
You repainted your deck! :)
I hope you have a wonderful, restful weekend and that the happiness continues! :)
Everything looks so beautiful! I love that little vintage tea towel.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Just reading your list made me happy.
Hi Manuela,
There is so much pleasure to be found in the little things when we take the time to look for them.
Very sweet post.
Hugs, Cindy
Hi Manuela! I like the things that make you happy, especially the paper whites!!
Susan and Bentley
Nice to see you back! I wish i was seeing all those harbingers, but not here, above the 49th and on the Wet Coast (as we call it) nothing but the last dirty vestiges of snow, and determinedly brown stalks sticking out of my pots..but it's way too early here, although, have to admit, the poppy is sending out some little green "tentacles" as if testing the temperature...♥
Lovely! Especially the morning sunshine. I forced a bulb, but my kitten dug it up and ruined it! :(
Your happy things made me happy...Thanks for a great visit..
Do you iron your sheets, Manuela? They look perfectly smooth. Oh, and I love, love that tea towel. It's beautiful.
That bedroom looks like a peaceful retreat. Pretty things make me happy, too.
I love it when the bulbs start pushing up from the semifrozen ground. I know spring's right around the corner. Mimi
I love fresh sheets! And I'm looking forward to the bulbs that I planting last fall. There is still snow so I'm not seeing them yet!
I love the smell of paperwhites too. I know that some hate it, but it's a favorite around here.
LOVE your toile curtains. I'm in the middle of redecorating my kitchen and making it all "Manuelaish". Well, it's a far cry from yours, but you're still such a toile inspiration.
Lovely! Oh what I wouldn't give to find something green in the yard! All things beautiful -- thank you!
Must I admit I know what you changed on your deck? That means I'm an 'old-timer'! Yes, I am and I always love seeing your photos. I'm with you - looking for every little sign that Spring is on it's way. Your home is so cozy. Thank you for sharing it with us again, my friend.
Me too! Love your pictures!
Isn't it amazing what a pretty label can do for hand washing soap? I have one that shows an English pastoral scene and I loved it so much, I've poured other liquid soap in it when the original ran out.
Love the curtains! Well, and everything else, too.
Love all of your pictures! Makes me think of spring. It was 67 today, but I know it won't last.
Love all your favorite things. I know buyers that come in to check out the house just go crazy with all the pretties. I would. :-) Loving that toile...still. Hope getting or keeping the house marketable is going well for you.
Hugs Manuela. Thanks for the pretty eye candy! **was it the red table and chairs!? xo
Beautiful photos, Manuela! I love paperwhites, too. They remind me of my grandmother's house! I hope you are outside this weekend! Isn't it wonderful after being snowbound? Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
I love all those things too.
Truly, you have the best house!! :)
I LOVE your stuff!!!!
Lovely thoughts and lovely photos! Just the lift I needed to face more snow! Bess
Such beautiful signs of Spring you have there. I hope it stays warmer for you. I received my book from Clarice. I can't wait to read it. Thank you so much Manuela!
I agree.
Your list could be my list.
You continue to inspire us Manuela-
White Spray Paint
Hi Manuela,
I've missed reading your blog. Beautiful Pics.
Your probably super busy getting your house all ready for market.
I too will be moving in the late spring. Excited is how I'm feeling.
I'll probably cry when I leave the cottage and move out of San Diego and head north to Temecula, Ca. This move is what I need. San Diego is all about my late husband everywhere I go.
It will be good for Savannah and I.
God bless,
Love the peek into the bedroom...those pillowcases are too pretty:)
Nice simple pleasures to be sure! I see your black & white porch floor is painted over. Still looks good!
I'm hoping for spring here too. We've had a very cold winter and very snowy as well.
Can I just copy and paste this post on to my blog? I love the same things too. :)
Interesting...I know you didn't mention this, but it looks like you use a hand pump for your dish soap? What a great idea!! I have been looking for an oil dispenser, because right now I have a big ol' thing of dawn on my sink. :)
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