I'm so glad the holidays are over even though we enjoyed them. I need to get back to running my home properly. I've felt a bit disconnected from my job as a homemaker these last few months. All the craziness of the holidays and the lack of a real schedule contributed to this feeling. I've felt sort of out of control during this time - the budget, the housekeeping, preparation of our meals, taking care of myself, all those things need to get back on track. Not only just back on track but hopefully I'll be able to do a better job this coming year - at least I'm going to try!
Let's see where to start........maybe here?
That's my little craft/sewing area in our family room and it definitely needs help! I'm going to be working on our entire family room all January but particularly this area as I can't sit down to do anything there and I can't find anything! Although, first things first - I'm packing up all the Christmas decorations today and I'm going to do a better job at it than last year. I'm going to label my boxes and put things away in a way that makes more sense to me.
Some craft space inspiration from Pottery Barn. I'm going to IKEA on Friday as we have a store credit we have to use, so I'll see what I can find there.

Oh wow! That last photo makes me green with envy...just green! (The second looks like my house. ;D)
Believe it or not, there's not an IKEA store within a hundred miles of me. I read about it on blogs and it makes me wonder and marvel... Have fun gathering some tools to help with the organizing.
I have never been to an IKEA store, but would love to. Can't wait to see what you do to organize your craft area. I am working on making myself a craft/scrapbooking area also in my guest bedroom. You are inspiring me to try to be more organized and keep my house cleaner!
Hi Manuela,
I know what you mean about the holidays...the seem all consuming and when they are coming to an end, it is nice to get life back to normal.
Ah, Ikea...I love that store, there is one not too terribly far from me and I always love the displays and ideas there. They seem to have so many wonderful storage ideas too..
All the best to you in the new year.
O.K. so I looked at your craft table and saw so many items that are in my craft corner.. We would have fun doodling together I do believe! Yes I too hope to get organized for the new year. Best of luck to you
My girls and I spent the last few days reorganizing closets, etc. We're all set for the New Year. Enjoy your trip to IKEA. All of my furniture, bulletin boards, etc. in my studio are all from IKEA. It makes it very easy to stay organized. My favorite purchase was a counter height table. I don't know how I survived before I had that. Have fun organizing and best wishes for a Happy New Year!
I need to tackle my craft closet... it is a large closet in our study! I think you have inspired me to get started. Maybe a before and after photo is warranted, too!
I swear Manuela, we are twins separated at birth. We always seem to be on the same wave length! Your inspiration photo is great! I love that red wall.
Please stop by my blog to pick up an award I created for you! Happy New Year!
I have a table that looks exactly like yours! We must be kindred spirits. Someday I too will be organized. Maybe. Mimi
I am making a list of areas I need to tackle/organize...does that count? LOL I have alot to do around the house in the next few weeks!
Wow, you wash your kitchen floor!? lol, just kidding. I didn't do any better, we wont discuss how often mine got washed! Happy New Year to you, I think we all catch the organizing bug this time of year.
Hi Manuela. I too am going to start organizing and the first thing is my linen closet. I already started by taking everything out of my frig and cleaning it out, top to bottom. I plan on organizing my studio out in the garage because I will be using it much more now. You and Kelli have helped me alot in getting myself organized. Thank you for your blog. See you next year. Happy New Years 2009 Yay!!
Oh, Manuela, do I ever feel the same.
I've been overwhelmed this week and feel so out of sorts. I've not been good at having a real schedule each day and I need to do this. Just feeling scattered if that makes sense.
I hope you achieve all you wish to this month!
Your inspiration room is fabulous! But I can't wait to see your personal touches come through and how you make it your own!
Oh that so looks like my house! When you figure out the secret, let me in on it!
I know what you mean about deep cleaning. It is so difficult with all of the Christmas stuff out. It seems like for a month and a half I have just given things a lick and a promise! The Christmas stuff is put away, so I have high hopes for some good cleaning next week. Sally
Oh, I can completely relate - I am ready to clean up, clear it out, simplify for the winter!
I love your inspiration photo from Pottery Barn. I trust you will find something from Ikea that will work for you!
Happy New Year!
Wish I had a craft room like
that one in the picture!! Dreams
do come true sometimes.
Whoever has that Pottery Barn room doesn't have very good art projects now, do they? They haven't done anything in there!
(now we should all feel better :)
When you all get organized, come on over, I need the room in the picture! Have fun shopping
Yes, there is something wonderful about it all of the hoopla being over. . .getting back to the routine and back to the cleaning schedule.
IKEA, I'm jealous. I love IKEA. We have one about an hour away from us and I love making that trip.
Happy New Year
I love that craft room too!!!! You should see my house.. we like to call it the after Christmas Carnage! :) like it's a horror movie! ;)
You wash your kitchen floor??? What a novel idea!
I can completely relate to this! Somehow my nice routines for the home and myself get lost between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then I'm left with a filthy house, tired me and everything in disaray!
I'm always glad to put away the decorations and start fresh! Happy IKEA shopping!
Manuela...I wanted to wish you a wonderful New Year and tell you how happy I am that you came back to blogging this year! I can't wait for all the inspiration from you in 2009!!!!!! Andrea
I'm glad that I am not the only one that feels like the Holidays have gotten things a bit out of wack! I too am looking forward to getting back on track and getting the house organized for the new year!! Happy New Year
Im with you Manuela, Ive started the clean up too.. Actually my Favorite part of the year cuz I get organizing and cleaning. Happy New Year to you and your wondeful family. I wish you all a Healthy and Happy 2009, Jamie
Me too!! I was thinking I should at least straighten up my bedroom and start the new year right. I can't wait to see what you do with your craft area. I could use some inspiration!!
Have a wonderful New Year, Manuela and family!!
I need to get organized too. We probably all have a spot in our homes that needs some organization. Every time I get a spot organized, I just start dumping stuff somewhere else in my home! Good luck with your project. Can't wait to see the finished look. Happy New Year! laurie
Oh my, that's what I'm spending this last day of 2008 doing... picking up the piles that have accumulated for... I don't even know how long! I bought some new floor rugs that MAKE me vacuum several times a week b/c they shed so bad. ~sigh~ Don't forget to enjoy some Swedish Meatballs at IKEA and pick up some lingönberries for Swedish pancakes while you're there! Yum!
Blessings, Shay
Wow! The pottery barn room is gorgeous! I can only hope ...
Manuela....i think you do a great job....and I inspire to be you and your organzation....but good luck anyway on your goals. I'm sure you'll reach them.
Now this is a craft room where things actually get made! :)
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