Did anyone besides me go to the thrift store for after Christmas sales? I found these pretty red candle holders for $1.51.
I love red all year round, so these will fit into my normal decorating!
Some of the online after Christmas sales were better than the brick and mortar sales. I got that beautiful folk art candle online here at 75% off - it was only $3.50. I couldn't believe that Target was only at 50% off! So many stores were doing 60-70% off even before Christmas! There was quite a lot left so I only bought a couple of things there since I know they'll be marked down again and it wasn't anything I couldn't live without. So if it's gone when I go back it's o.k.!

(edited to add - I bought the candle a few days before Christmas and received it on Christmas Eve and shipping was really good too!)
I use red all year too! In fact alot of my Christmas decorations will stay out, but will be used in other ways. What luck to have found such wonderful treasures! Love your blog.
So pretty. I wish that I used red more, but there's some red in every room.
I've noticed that the after Christmas sales do not seem as deep as I had expected. I also noticed that the mark-ups on before Christmas items made the sales sound good. Example two room fresheners I purchased for 2 for $20, which when I peeled back the price had been $12.50 each...not as much of a savings. I've got to be more savvy than that!
I love the red candleholders! I found great sales at Kohl's and TJMaxx. Most of my items were at least 70% off. I also found great deals at Macy's. I got my niece's dress for her christmas program for $15... regularly $75!
I visited one of my frequent blog site and she had a large red velvet looking sitting chair. It looked so comfy. It just brightened up the room. I think I want to try red this year. Somewhere.::thinking:::) Lucky you Manuela, you always find good stuff. Take care.
I finally got to the city this afternoon to shop "after Christmas". I was surprised there were very few people out and around. I did get 7 pieces of "Friendly Village" for $13 at HomeGoods! I love your touches of red - I couldn't live without red in my house!! Sally
Lovely! I haven't even been shopping online lately. I need to get over to my favorite online stores. Thanks for the reminder. And I LOVE red!
Those look great in your home, love the candle too! I only went to Kohls and got some candle holders. Fifty percent off isn't even worth my time, so many stores had much deeper cuts.
Beautiful! Red is great all year...and especially now right through Valentines Day! :) You got a great bargain!
There is nothing so pretty as a grouping of candles..... simple elegance.... lovely.... no shopping for me after Christmas.... gotta get back to work....
Hello Manuela,
I am definitely a red person!! You are right, it sure makes the holiday decorating SO MUCH easier! :)
Hi..I love your colors. At Target I found two large glass candle holders in the deepest richest red with clear bases...and left them there. I will return tomorrow and I hope they will still be there. If they aren't..I wasn't supposed to have them. Your home is beautiful with lots to look at and enjoy! I loved it!
I adore that decorative candle! GOOD find!
Very pretty M. Good finds. I am taking DD thrifting on Tues. :-) She also wants to go to a junky antique store I have not taken her to in years.
I love that pretty candle. it is beautiful!
Good shopping finds! Those candles and holders are wonderful. Great job!
I almost waited for the after Christmas sale, to buy more gingerbread and peppermint,but took it at 50% off. I am so glad, they have nothing left. I still need a couple of items and got the main office contact number and they will look at all their stores in USA and see if any have what I want, and then ship it. All was 75% off after Christmas, but none to be found! lol Check your email, and tell me which one you get!
Oh, sorry I love the candles! How long do you think I can get away with having my Gingermint out in my home? Maybe until next Christmas? lol
Red is always so warm and cheery in a home! You have done a fabulous job incorporating it into your home!
I love the candles!
I hope that you have a great holiday and that your New Year will be filled with wonderful blessings!
I bet the thrift stores will have some great finds pretty soon. All those gifts no one really wants.
Need to get back to the thrift store. Really waiting until the girls get back in school.
I may end up seeing you there one day.
The Candles are wonderful!!!!
Yes! I plan to go a few times in the next couple of weeks.
Not only are there a lot of people disposing of Christmas "stuff" but I know Goodwill often has it marked very low to get rid of it.
There has to be treasures among the "stuff".
I use red year round too!
What a great deal on the candle! So pretty! And I like the red candle holders, too! They are a neat size and shape!
I agree, after Christmas sales weren't much better than the before Christmas sales. Love those red candle holders. Mimi
Oh, I want those red candle holders! I, too, use red throughout the year. Especially in my dining room. I love your blog, by the way!
Absolutely fantastic post! Good job!
Great! Keep writing…….
Good week……… You are Welcomed to my blog…….
" A Happy New Year''
I loved looking through your blog tonight. Your home is beautiful and I'm sure very welcoming!
Great find. I like all the red. I use a dark red in our home.
I am in envy of those red candlesticks! Love visiting your blog!
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