Hi everyone! Last year a couple of bloggers showed Christmas trees that they had in their kitchens filled with all kinds of fun dishes or kitcheny goodness and I really wanted to do something similar. Only I don't have any room in my kitchen for such a thing. I need all my counter space cause there's not a lot of it. BUT I could do something in my dining room!
I was able to purchase some little china ornaments last year during the after Christmas Sales. Not enough to go around the whole tree unfortunately. But I'm hoping to get some more this year after Christmas. I strategically placed what I had on the sides and front and supplemented with 4 demitasse transferware cups that I have.
I was able to get two Spode ornaments at more than 50% off last year and this year I have my eye on some Lenox ones that TJ Maxx has.
Isn't that teapot darling!

That is sweet!
Oh I'm definitely planning on waiting for the after sales. I usually do. I think the little tree looks so cute with the cups and what looked like little teapots. Thx. for sharing.
That little tree is adorable! I love the ornaments and the white urn the tree is in.
thats a real sweet tree :) good job
very nice! i love it! i have a bunch of little teacups & tea pots on my big tree. i love decorating with tea items!
That's too cute! The idea fits in the dining room too! Deb
I love your tree it's beautiful!! Love the ornaments I will have to check out my TJMAXX.
Simply beautiful! I saw a wreath in a tea shop for $50.00 with tea bags and tea cups...I made one that I enjoy....
Next week I hope to post on decorating....Betty
Totally cute, Manuela! I love it!
The tree is darling - now I have to look for dishes ornaments (after Christmas, of course!) Sally
This is absolutrely darling! I love it Manuela! Those teapots/cups are just so sweet...
That is so sweet...I was actually thinking of doing a tree with tea cups!
the tree is so cute...Mary at the Little red House used tea cups also on her dining room tree. You ladies are oh so clever....
So cute.... love the urn you put it in and those little cups and tea pots are soooo CUTE..... looks so perfect in the dining room....
Oh Manuela, this is sooooo adorable and clever!! Also... I love the cranberry transferware! You are amazing! So smart to put the tree in front of a mirror! Super adorable.
Oh...YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED...I have a lovely little soul-searching exercise for you over on my blog.
How fun is that! Perfect for a dining room!
Your dining room tree is adorable! Love the sweet teapots and cups.
That is darling, love the tree in the white pot, to cute!
I love that tree. I have been wanting one for years. Now that I have seen Cindy's, Linda's and now yours, I feel like I have to have one. If not this year, next year. :D
What a cute little Tea Tree in the dining room. Very, very cute.
Your tree is adorable. I have a tree in the dining room with no ornaments. I think you have inspired me.
I love this. I've seen this sort of thing one other place and I think that it is very original. Love it!
Hey, if you like to read uplifting Christmas stories, I'm featuring some on my blog throughout the month. Today's was number 4. Stop by and enjoy!
God bless,
I love this. I've seen this sort of thing one other place and I think that it is very original. Love it!
Hey, if you like to read uplifting Christmas stories, I'm featuring some on my blog throughout the month. Today's was number 4. Stop by and enjoy!
God bless,
Oh, what a lovely tree, Manuela - just perfect for us dish-aholics!
That is so cute! I have an urn some what similar to that one. Hmmm...now you've got me thinking!
That is quite simply LOVELY!
I think that tree is cute. I love the tea cup trees. if only i had room. Did you see the candlesticks that Jen has on her blog? If not you wiil see them next week on mine..lol.. mishelle
Very nice idea to decorate like this, I like it!
I really love the idea of using beautiful dishes on the dining room tree. ince dishes are one of the things I can't get enough of, it seems fitting to find one more way to show their beauty, and the kitchen /dining room is the perfect place to do that! Once again you have made a beautiful display:>)
I might just have to do a small tree for myself next year. Love this!
I wanted to invite you over to Hospitality Lane to enter my contest/giveaway today...
I have a few teapot ornaments on my regular tree....I may have to seek out a few more for a special little tree, for my room......
I am loving your tree...Very very cute! :)
Okay! I am in love! With the dish tree!!! that is. Its so great!
I love your tree! What a great idea. I never would've thought to decorate one like that! :-)
What a great tree!!! I've just come over and can't wait to dig around your archives.
Manuela, do you remember me? Somehow I lost your blog, and as I was rereading some of last year's blog posts, I found you again. I am so excited to see your site! I can't wait to catch up with your posts, you have always been an inspiration to me!
Your tree is adorable! I saw one made with blue transferware at Rhondi's blog - so now I am on the lookout for some extra red transferware pieces so I can do this next year!
Loved your birdhouses in the previous post. I never thought to look at the dollar store for birdhouse. I have always gone to Michaels...I will check that out!
I love that you used ribbon to hang them on the tree. Putting it in front of that mirror made it even better. Great job!
I popped over for a visit from Tracy at Frugal Luxuries, I am speechless I love your Christmas decorating.
I am off to get into the garage and decorating cupboard and see what I have around that I can transform into a "vignette" for the cupboard next to our front door.
I read through some of your other posts as well and I notice you mention cutting down on eggs in recipes, if you have to make a cake and have no eggs or not enough you can substitute one tablespoon of Golden Syrup (it is a sugar syrup dark but not as dark as molasses) for one egg and then cut down the sugar by one third. This works well for denser style cakes but can be used for butter cakes as well.
Loved this! So cool. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures tomorrow. BTW, about your comment: I scared myself too, lol! Yes, we forget we bought stuff too.
Dear Manuela,
Yes that teapot is darling! All of your pretty china is and I love how you decorated your little tree with it. You are so creative and make everything lovely!
I am looking forward to the after Christmas sales as I really don't have many Christmas decorations, so I need to add to my stash.
Love, Paula
What a lovely touch! I enjoyed the pictures.
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