Thursday, December 11, 2008

Show & Tell Friday - Christmas Silhouettes

Show and Tell

I love figuring out how to get a look for less! I've seen so many Christmas accessories that I know I could duplicate for way less than what they want in the stores. One of the things I really liked this year is this Santa Silhouette Plaque from Ballard Designs. It's $49 but I made my own version for pennies.

What I really liked is the white silhouette on the red background - so festive for this time of year and different from the traditional black silhouettes. So I got a piece of red card stock and some white posterboard, had my daughter draw a Christmas tree for me, cut it out and framed it.

A Ballard Hack for pennies! I could have done the whole thing but I chose the element that I really liked. Wouldn't a white reindeer on red be pretty too! I'm thinking about making a little one of those.

This is a beautifully painted silhouette that I got from Suzanne last year. She's an amazing artist.

Wouldn't you know that TJ Maxx has a whole set of these Christmas Scene Silhouettes! Cups, dinner plates, the whole shebang! I just bought two plates to decorate with (maybe they'll be some left after Christmas).

For other Show and Tell Friday posts please visit Kelli at There's No Place Like Home


Anonymous said...

I am so glad Tracey from Frugal Lux sent me over! You have a wonderful blog and some fantastic ideas! Looks like I found another kindred spirit and will be back often!


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Very very nice!

Unknown said...

Very creative and talented.I would love at it in the shop, think I should do that, but then I never do!

I love to see other people's Christmas goodies. Thanks for sharing yours.

I am blogging daily until Christmas Eve about my decor, traditions and food here in Northern Ireland.

Anonymous said...

The plates are really sooooo nice!

Unknown said...

I am heading to Tj Maxx. thanks. mishelle

Lara said...

Everything looks so nice! I came here through Show and Tell but then I decided to have a look at the whole blog and it is full of beautiful things. Congratulations

Kathleen Grace said...

Those silhouette plates are so cute! I love the polka dots. Your own version of the Ballard pic is every bit as charming as the original.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Wow, those are lovely! I was just at TJ Maxx and ours didn't have any plates like that.

Last weekend my dd and I toured a home that had a room with many pictures like that.

I added you to my blog roll on my new blog

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I love the silhoettes, such a classic look.

Anonymous said...

Manuela I love your silhouette. It's wonderful.

Suzanne is so talented!

I'm going to Historic Saint Charles today. TJM and HomeGoods are right on the way. I'll see if they have the plates. I'd love to see them in person.

A Hint of Home said...

Great ideas! Your tree turned out great. The reindeer would look sooo cute.

Terri Steffes said...

Love the sihouettes! I like those plates, too, may have to check and see if our TJ Maxx has those!

Screaming Meme said...

Great stuff! :) I love the red and white...First time I've seen it that way...I think it POPS! :)

Hootin Anni said...

These are super!!!! My daughter would love your collection.

My Show n Tell is a holiday tale, come by and visit if you can find some time. Happy Weekend.

Suzann said...


Ingrid said...

That's very beautiful and an excellent idea !

Heather said...

ooh i love the plates!

Lady Katherine said...

The are great!! I love your silhousettes! You did great the tree in the red is wonderful! I learned to make the black silhousettes in my early 20's after having my family profile made by and artist. I love to do the Germany paper cutting. I have one I made for my Mother years gone by of eggs in a basket, in red and white. Maybe thats why I choose hens and roosters in my kitchen long ago. I done many black and white silhousettes over the years. Never have I made one for Christmas. I just love yours.

Linda said...

Very inspiring,I haven't made a sihouette for years,I'll have to have another go.
Lovely Blog, a Joy to read.

Betty said...

I love those silhouettes too! My dining room curtains have red and white silhouettes on the bottom. I should try to make something to match. You always have such great ideas!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh I love these! What fabulous ideas Manuela!

Thanks for sharing it!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

You Ballard Hacker you! LOL. That is great! I love the silhouettes :)

Linda C said...

This is such a neat idea! And so frugal of you:) They really add a nice tough to holiday decorating!
Linda C

Vee said...

Oh so pretty! I love silhouettes and your idea is very clever! Just catching up with you for the last several days. My...everything looks simply great over here!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Love the silhousettes, and yours turned out great! Those plates are wonderful. laurie

Jane said...

You did a good job. They are very nice and you get to enjoy them even more because you made them and didn't pay a high price.

Julieann said...

What a fun idea!! Your silhouettes are just delightful!


Anonymous said...

I love the red back ground..... never would have thought of that.... very cute.... that last dish with the polk-a-dot rim is so pretty....

Lois Christensen said...

What a beautiful collection you have! Thanks for sharing!

Lulu and Co. said...

I just loved your show and tell. What a great way to copy it and yours looks great. I need to try it. Your plates are wonderful too, wishing you luck that more will be left after Christmas!

Elizabeth said...


I've never really seen these Christmas sillouettes (sp?) before. They are very beautiful.
And aren't you smart to figure out how to make your on version.

Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Love the silhouettes. They are great for decorating. I love all the ideas I get from visiting other blogs. I've enjoyed my visit here today. Love the little bird houses below.
Happy Christmas,

Paula said...

Dear Manuela,

I love your pretty silhouette! Your daughter drew a lovely tree! I, too, like the red background with the white tree and presents, very festive!!! I have been thinking about doing a silhouette of my poodle Pearl. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful and money saving ideas!!!

The plates you found at TJ Maxx are pretty!
Love, Paula

American Homemaker said...

I love the tree silhouette! I would've never thought to do red. I've always just seen them in black.

akawest said...

Your Ballard copycat project turned out great. I am impressed.

Trixi said...

I am so glad to see you back blogging. I love your silhouettes. They are beautiful.

Jean said...

The white tree on red looks super! Wonderful idea for pennies! Jean

Frazzled Mom said...

I love your craftiness! So pretty!

Elena said...

Those are beautiful!

JudyBug said...

Love the silhouette and how clever of you to make one yourself. Love the plates too!

Becki said...

I LOVE those black and white dishes! And the silhouette pictures are great. I'm inspired!

Being Mrs Miles said...

Silhouettes have a simple beauty and allow our minds to make up the insides of the shapes. What a wonderful way to decorate.

I enjoyed stopping in!

Sue said...

Hi Manuela....I love the plate in the last picture with the house and trees....very nice, I'm sure you have a trip planned back to the Maxx to pick up the rest....

Linda Q said...

Very nice, I like them too.
One of the Christmas open houses I went to this year had an artist there who does them, she is now doing them in a gift line. You have probably seen some of her work out and about. Sharyn Sowell is her name and line is by Demdaco.
She is really talented!

Betty said...

We must be related.....your silhouette is beautiful....and I really like the one of the nativity...

I have my grandchildren's silhouettes in my kitchen where I can see them everyday.....

Blessings as we celebrate our Saviour's birth....Betty

Lisa Cobler said...

Those are lovely.

P. said...

Very nice, they are.


nancy said...

What a wonderful collection! Your work is exquisite on the ones you made. I have a friend in Italy who does these paper-cuttings all the time. There is quite a large group, world-wide, who are perfecting their techniques and networking together. If you'd like to know more about them, let me know.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Manuela, I've so enjoyed looking at all your decorations..

Ow, I love silouettes...they are so what your daughter created for you, lovely work.


Lora @ my blessed life said...

I love silhouettes and your collection is beautiful!! The nativity one is so precious! I think I'm going to have to try my hand at creating a Christmas silhouette now...

Liz said...

Love the pictures, and your blog...especially love your display of plates!

Mimi Sue said...

I have a collection of silhouettes. I'll do a post on them sometime. If it wasn't snowing I'd be on my way to TJ Maxx to get me a plate or two. Mimi

Alice said...

What a beautiful post! Your silhouettes are incredible! I tried my hand once at something called scherenshnitt (or something like that). You cut away all the stuff you don't want to be the picture. Pretty much like silhouettes. Lots of hard work. Your's are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.

Please feel free to stop by my blog and visit anytime.

Anonymous said...

Hello Manuela,

I'm stopping by to see how you are and your blog is wonderful, as always!
Have a wonderful holiday season.

nannykim said...

I love that idea! AND it is so much fun to make your own stuff---AND it has more meaning down the years ;-)

Free Art Printables said...

I LOVE your Ballard copy! It looks even better!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I just love your repro Ballard design!!! Love all of the silhouettes, too!!


Kelli said...

Just beautiful! I love silhousettes and the one your daughter helped you with is so sweet and I love the plates, too!

Anonymous said...

those silhouettes are beautoful

I especially love the plates too

Suzanne said...

Manuela, your daughter did a wonderful job drawing the Christmas tree for the silhouette.
And I love your plates from TJMaxx....we've been homebound with school and snow and I haven't been out to see what treasures might be in our TJMaxx. Guess I'll wait for the after Christmas sales!