I wanted to do a little somethin Christmasy in our screened in porch this year and thought a birdhouse theme would be good since I already have a few. I made the little birdhouses above with some scrapbook paper and stick on letters which I had leftover from last year (Martha Stewart Halloween glitter letters) and the unfinished birdhouses are from the dollar store. I only decoupaged the tops and back (since that's all you really see). I'll re-use them for spring/summer and I'll probably paint them then. I can just peel the paper off and they'll be ready to be transformed into something else! I like things you can makeover again and again!
I picked up some extra greenery at Home Depot when we went to get our tree on Friday and used that as a base. It's free!
Nests , nests, nests! Do you have any idea how many nests I have!! Thank goodness they're good for so many things! Here's a nest of Christmas balls.
This is my favorite birdhouse! It's made of odds and ends of different things.
I also put up one of our fake Christmas trees in the porch but I'm not sure I'm going to decorate it. It's already pre-strung with lights so it'll look pretty at night when we're sitting in our dining room and look out. I'll rummage around and see what I have - I think I have some grapevine. That might look nice and natural on it. I might try to buy some bird ornaments or pinecone ornaments at the end of clearance sales this year to use next year on it. Or maybe I could pick up some pinecones when I walk Maxie tomorrow and do something with them (I really don't need another project). Do you see how my mind works!
I just have a few odds and ends left to do plus the dining room decorations and then I'm done, done done!!
I've been meaning to show a picture of this for a few weeks and keep forgetting. Look at what landed in our yard
Is that a Heron? Anyway, it was huge! My pond has sprung some leaks caused by the bane of my existence - chipmunks! Yes, they have made nests or tunnels under or around my pond! We've found one hole but there's another behind or under the waterfall so now we're taking the whole thing apart (didn't I say I don't need another project though!).
I just want to say thank you to all of you who stop by and visit and leave me comments (even though I'm mortifyingly (is that a word?) behind in visiting your blogs). I truly appreciate the effort especially now that everyone's so busy with their own things.

Happy Monday, Manuela! I absolutely adore the birdhouses! You have done a fabulous job on decorating your screened in porch for the holidays. The theme fits so perfectly in your little sanctuary.
I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
Oh that bird! LOL! I don't blame it for landing there...it just wants in on some of the fun you are having :)
Love the bird houses and the nest!
Yes, that is a heron!
Your birdhouses are all lovely. I have a huge birdcage that I have become inspired to make festive.
You're way ahead on the Christmas decorations! Hopefully I can get my house 'in the spirit' this week! Love the porch....and the heron!
wow! what gorgeous bird houses!
Think its a blue heron, we have those here in the country. I love chipmunks, brought some home. They ran away, never to be seen again. Maybe I might not go get more if they do a that much damage. I love your birdhouses. Looks great for your porch all deco for Christmas with the tree. I got to get caught up, days at hospital, with hubby in cardaic unit, was tough. Such a great Idea to cover the house. I want more bluebird houses outside, over the years some need replacing. My bluebirds are everywhere today. Love the house with the this that and the other on it.
Oh, that all looks SO pretty! I love the birdhouses. I think I'm about done too. And I do think that's a blue heron you've got roosting there too. Happy Christmas!
Hi Manuela! It's all very beautiful and creative. Chimpmunks are really big pest. I haven't seen many since I got a dog that I let outside constantly. My neighbor across the street is not bothered by them either, she has a cat. Maybe you should think about getting a pet to run those little devils away. Deb
I love your tree on your screened porch! How lovely to look out at night from the dining room!
I like that you did a nature/natural theme for this outdoor room - it works!
Hi Manuela. I hope you have a great week. I really like what you did with your porch area. That's a good deal on the birdhouses at the dollar store. Great ideas. Take care.
The bird houses are fantastic. looks great. mishelle
Wonderful Christmas world you've created on your porch. Yes, I see how your mind works, and I like it!
I would have NEVER thought of using scrap book paper.... it looks amazing.... love.... love your touches....
Great idea to gather all your birdhouses and use them on your porch! I always have trouble with what to do on our patio and under our carport. Most everybody comes to the back of our house and never even sees the front so I want it to look cute. I'm going to copy you with all th birdhouses and greenery. Love it!
Oh, the birdhouses are so cute! I usually do some decorating on our screened in porch because it is visible from the living room. But, I can't think of anything different to do this year - guess I just need to plunge on in and do something - anything!!! Sally
Yes, it's a Heron. It found a really nice home there.
I love your birdhouses! All your decorating is so beautiful. All the greenery, birds nests, and glass balls - beautiful.
With all you have been doing, remember to take time to enjoy what you have created.
How about origami birds for the tree in the screened porch?
Very pretty birdhouse display!
HOLY TOLEDO!!! You've been busy. I can't believe how many posts I had to catch up on here. Can I just say...I LOVE it ALL!! Your mantel is absolutely gorgeous, and I loved the photos from Christmases past too. And these three little houses that say J O Y...so, so adorable!
What a great idea for your porch! The bird houses look great and I love things that can be used over. Love it! Jean
What a great way to use your birdhouses! I need to get a table for my screened porch so I can use all of mine.
You have the best ideas!
I love the birdhouses...everything looks beautiful! I had no idea herons were so BIG.
I love the birdhouses. I have several... I may just have to copy that idea. When did you get the ones from Dollar Tree though. I didn't see any there... and I always spot birdhouses.
Oh My....yes, that looks like a Heron....I'm still recovering from seeing the Vulture in our back yard...Where are these strange things coming from?? He must have known you have all those bird houses..He was looking for a home!
All of your Christmas decor is so pretty. Jackie
Those birdhouses are a wonderfully original idea! Well done!
Ali @ A Cosy Life
Leave the tree as it is right now, it's so beautiful at night!
Beautiful decorations, you still have grass! We have about 6 inches of snow on everything. That is a heron, aren't they magnificent!?
My neighbors have a very naturalistic, rock=lined swimming pool & one year, one of those birds was hanging out at their pool. I don't know what kind it is either...sorry.
Your porch looks wonderful!
Your outdoor decorations are fantastic! I love the way you put the birdhouses together with the greens. Free greens at Home Depot? Thanks for the tip - I drove my mother all over through a nearby wooded conference center the other day to gather greens. Last year there had been a big windstorm the week before but this year the roads and areas around them were clean. We found a few but had to scrounge at a wooded city park. Next year we head to Home Depot! ~Adrienne~
Manuela, your porch is so pretty! I love all the birdhouses.
The bird is indeed a Great Blue Heron. We had them on the pond at the farm and have them at the lake. Love to watch them.
love your porch! bird houses are the perfect Christmas decor:)
Sorry about your pond-that stinks! Great photo capture of your heron:)
I love your display!!!! What a great idea to decorate the birdhouses with something Christmasy!
Dear Manuela,
Your birdhouses are so pretty and the nest too! You have everything decorated just lovely! The Heron is beautiful!
Have a lovely day!
Dear Manuela,
Thank you for your for visiting me and for your sweet comments! Your potatoes look so good! We have tried growing them before, but they did not do well. I like your idea of using a barrel. I will try that. You are having some cold weather for Georgia! I hope you are keeping warm and cozy in your lovely home. I loved reading your frugal tips, and enjoyed seeing the lovely Christmas decorations in your previous posts too. I always enjoy your blog so much! Here is the recipe I use for the pizza crust:
3 1/2 cups unbleached flour (I used some whole wheat pastry too)
1 tsp salt
1 cup warm water
1 tsp dried active yeast
2 tablespoons olive oil
Place warm water (110) in bowl sprinkle over yeast and leave to stand until softened, about 5 minutes. Stir to dissolve.
Stir in flour, salt and olive oil to make a sticky dough. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface. Knead to a smooth, soft dough. Try not to add too much extra flour; as the dough will firm up as you knead it.
Place the dough in an oiled bowl and cover. Leave to rise until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours. Deflate the dough by pressing down with the palm of your hand.
You can make several pizzas or one large one, add your favorite toppings and bake in a preheated 400 degree oven until crust is crisp.
I cannot eat grains, but my husband and son loved it and said the crust was really good! I hope you enjoy making it! Thank you again for all you share.
Blessings, Paula
I forgot to add that I don't put in the whole amount of flour, I start with 2 1/2 cups then added the rest as needed.
Love, Paula
Oh, I used to have those little birdhouses but I THREW THEM AWAY in a desire to rid myself of excess! See now if I had thought about it, they could've been painted and made super cute like what you have. So many ideas! You always come up with the best uses for things!
I love all of your birdhouses! Your porch looks so festive. Do you think the heron (?) decided he wanted to nest on the ornaments? I love the ornament nest idea!
Aren't you smart! I would never have thought of that. Simply wonderful!
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