I've really enjoyed all the various holiday home tours and got some great new ideas for next year. I'm only about 1/3 of the way through BooMama's Tour though! I think she had about a kagillion people sign up!
Here are just a couple more Christmas pictures I thought I'd share and then I'm done!
This is our doggie Christmas tree topper. He looks just like our Golden Maxie!Below are a few favorite ornaments.
My daughter and I made a bunch of these ragball ornaments one year when we were homeschooling. I think we were studying early American history and this was one of our activities tied into what we were learning. They're really fun and easy (but messy) to make. You just take strips of old clothing or fabric dip the strips in a mixture of white glue and water and drape around a Styrofoam ball (Dollar Tree has some) until the ball is totally covered. They take about a day to dry. Like I said, a fun but messy project to do with the kids.
I went through an amber/topaz phase for a few years - still don't know why. But I like this one because it looks like jewelry (a big dangly earring maybe).
How about that catmoose! We must have been watching alot of Cat Dog on Nickelodeon the year when we made clay ornaments!
As you can tell, our tree is pretty much a mix of a lot of different ornaments! Each with a story to tell.

Hi Manuela, I've loved looking at all your Christmas decorations.
Oranments are always a favorite of mine because of the stories they hold. I love reliving the memories each year when you get to hang them on your tree.
Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas so far.
I love the moon! Now that is a got to have, Scarlet and Rhett! Oh, how I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Your dog is so cute. Love the rag ornament. I did some years ago, but all sewn and stuffed with fiber. Merry Christmas. I love hanging out at your wonderful blog! Are you still making bread?
I love the catmoose! I will have to make some of those ornaments with the rag strips. I have fabric right now that I could use. I could actually start making them AHEAD of time!
Manuela, I think those styrofoam balls are a good idea. Maybe next year I'll try some. I always use the same decorations each year. Lot of them I made, some were from other people's trees and just things that have memories hang on the tree. Thx for sharing, and Merry Christmas in case we don't share comments for awhile. Take care.
everything looks so pretty! the gone with the wind ornament is my favorite!
I think my girls would like to make the fabric strip ball ornaments!
The look so pretty!
I love your tree topper! How cute! I always wanted to do a pet tree but never have... And your GWTW ornament, be still my heart, I have some serious envy going on! Thanks for sharing all your sweet ornaments!
I've really enjoyed your Christmas decor! Lots of memories for you and great things to look at for us!! Sally
A toile Santa? Now that is the best of all worlds! :)
I've really enjoyed seeing all your wonderful Christmas, Manuela. Your home is absolutely beautiful.
I love Santa dressed in toile!
I cannot begin to tell you how much your blog has blessed me. It truly is the best of the best out there in "blogland". I have been rather s-l-o-w in my Christmas decorating this year. But I come here and I am in awe, completely inspired, and FINALLY motivated. Thank you so much for sharing your home, your ideas, your "frugal" tips, but mostly your heart!!
May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas filled with much love and joy!!
Beautiful Christmas Blessings~
Kelly Maria
I'm not sure which I love more...that marvelous toile santa...toile!! Santa is so stylish at your house! or that totally adorable and oh so sweet catmoose ornament!
The ornaments all have a story to tell. Thank you for sharing some of them with us. I've got to check out that tour!
I love the passion you have about decorating for the holidays. Your home is so inviting!
I have an award for you over at my blog. Stop by!
Have a wonderful weekend,
I love a tree that tells a story.
Our ornaments are from places we have traveled and all the ornaments the kids make. I love our tree.
Manuela, I lost you (blog), found you, and then lost you again! I saw one of your comments on a blog and thought it had to be you. Yippee! Your home is as beautiful as always. I will mark your site this time and be back often.
Merry Christmas to you!
Hi Manuela...You have some great ornaments...It's been fun seeing your decorations....Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and I'm so delighted that I'm ending this year with so many wonderful new friends...Sue.
Love the eye candy!
I adore the santa. I am hoping to get a bunch of these after Christmas on my big shopping day.
I LOVE those rag-balls. I have to make some of those too.
I love Cat Dog, so your Cat Moose is also pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas
It is all so, so pretty. I loved seeing all your decortaions and the peek into your guest room. It is all just so perfect!
Awww, the catmoose is too cute. But my favorite is Maxie as a tree topper! Love your tree.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.
I love your tree...that's a true family tree...memories dangling everywhere!! True beauty :).
thanks for a feast for the eyes!
Catmoose LOL! Merry Catmoose.
I spy a Santa in toile!
Merry Christmas Manuela! If I can find your address I'll send you a card today...
Good Morning Manuela :)
I had so much fun on your Christmas tour! I didn't join any of them myself, because I didn't have time to visit all those new bloggers AND keep up with my own readers, but I will probably look around at every-one's posts this weekend. I don't think anyone could top you though. Your home looks amazing!
I love that you decorate your tree with ornaments that hold special meaning for you and your family. The rag ornament looks like something Annie and I could do together :)
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
That dog tree topper is too cute! Love the rag ball ornament also...wouldn't mind making some of those myself.
I have that GWTW ornimant too! I also have a couple of Scarlet O'Hares and one Rhett Butler!
Your home is exactly what I would love to have my home look like! Maybe someday I can convince my husband that he wants it too! Everything is beautiful for Christmas and I bet it is the same all year through.
One of my favorite Christmas things was the dog treetopper! I love my dogs and would love to have a tree topper of one of them!
Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by my house.
Your home is exactly what I would love to have my home look like! Maybe someday I can convince my husband that he wants it too! Everything is beautiful for Christmas and I bet it is the same all year through.
One of my favorite Christmas things was the dog treetopper! I love my dogs and would love to have a tree topper of one of them!
Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by my house.
Hi Manuela, I am so glad to find you again! I was glad to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love you Christmas pictures by the way! Merry Christmas!
That dog Christmas tree topper is just about the cutest thing I've seen. All of your other ornaments are great too. That Santa dressed in toile is so pretty. laurie
Oh I adore your doggie topper.... look at Maxie on the tree..... Gus would be knocking it over....lol
May you have a blessed Christmas sweet friend
Love your blog! The Christmas decor is beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed looking at your Christmas decorations!
Love those ragball ornaments and the catmoose. Too funny:) Ornaments can hold so many memories.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful decorations with us! Oh, the doggie tree topper is so cute...I want one...hehehe. Merry Christmas, dear friend!
That black toile Santa is perfect for your home! I love him!!! I really like the rag ball too...what a great idea!
Oh the Santa in the toile coat is so perfect! Our tree is a mix of memories too, isn't that the sweetest kind?
Such beautiful Santa's!
Hi Manuela,
I haven't been by to visit in a while and enjoyed browsing through your posts looking at all your BEAUTIFUL Christmas decorations. They are all just GORGEOUS and you have them all arranged so delightfully!!
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